
What can I use to treat powdery mildew in pumpkins?

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What can I use to treat powdery mildew in pumpkins?




  1. As was mentioned, keep the leaves dry as possible, and try to water early in the AM as possible when leaves are already moist from dew in case they get some splash (they can then dry in the sun as soon as possible. Ask what is available from the person at your local garden center, and bring a plant sample in, they will help. For a more organic solution try sulfur fungicides, lime sulfur fungicides, or copper sulfate. Try Bravo or benyml for a chemical approach if that is your desire. you may want to try and carefully remove any leaves that are a real mess to try to keep spores from the environment, but what happens frequently is you wake up one morning and find that the plant is covered. This will sometimes happen when things seem to have been going great and then...wham!. Do not over do the high nitrogen fertilizer or accidently let that lawn greening fertilizer run into your pumplins/ squash/ cukes. It makes these big huge green leaves that are soft and the bugs and disease just destroy them.

  2. The best protection is mildew resistant varieties, but as it is a little late for that there are several fungicides that work pretty well.  Procedure, Rally, and Topguard, and Benlate all work pretty well.  Alternate with Quintec for for better protection.

  3. The above named fungicides all work, but the best thing is prevention. Do not water your pumpkins overhead and avoid wetting the leaves. Use a drip system to water.

  4. The catalogue at (513) 354-1482 sells a Neem Fungicide called Shield-All 11 for $9.95 for 8oz that you mix with water to make 8 gallons of spray. spray all leaf surfaces, top & bottom  for seven days until eliminated, then 14 days later to prevent reoccurrence. That should save you Halloween surprize! works on cucumbers,  & roses too, and also black spot & rust. the best part is, the catalogue they sent me includes a $25 off coupon to get my business back- which sure would help with the $6.95 shipping ! maybe you can get one too. Neem oil is plant-based, so is OK for food crops, ask'm to be sure. you're welcome

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