
What can I (we) do to find a cure for Cancer?

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It seems like everyone in the world is effected by this disease. What can be done to find a cure? It doesn't seem like donating to the American Cancer Society is enough. What else can I contribute toward this cause?




  1. I don't know that we ever will.  How long have we been asked to give to the American Cancer Society.  As long as I have know.  Have they found a cure yet?  No.  We are making those people rich.  All they can do is treat it and hopefully remove it with surgery.

  2. CANCER: On the news this guy who drank human breast milk (with a prescription) beat cancer.  It was discovered by Swedish scientists found that human breast milks kills cancer in a petri dish by accident.  People who drink it have had some success in fighting off cancer.

    You need a prescription and it's about $3 an ounce at a breast milk bank, but it works.

  3. that's a novel idea, instead of just treating cancer with potentially debilitating drugs and radiation, why don't we find a cure for it?  Do you think that scientists are just resting on their laurels when it comes to cancer cure!? That they'd rather find the emotional effects that sleep deprivation has on grub worms?!!? The first person to successfully cure, erradicate, banish, and kill cancer cells without killing the host carrying the cancer will be THE richest person on the face of the earth!!!! Donating money to the cancer society certainly helps, as does every small action towards the cause.  You want to help, become a scientist and help find a cure.  I've lost 7 family members to cancer in one form or another.  Oddly enough, not one was from smoking.  I, myself, would love the day when cancer is not only treated and cured, but prevented by innoculations.  I apologize for the sarcasm, I suppose I'm just bitter about dreamers that state the obvious as if they're the first person to have ever thought of something.  I applaud your interest and participation.

  4. That would be affected.  That housekeeping out of the way let's get on to

    Cancer is an opportunistic killer.  It looks for weaknesses in the immune system.  Humans go out of their way to compromise their immune systems.  Cancer will not be so much cured as it will be prevented.  Further contributions to the American Cancer Society are just larding on to a phat cheeked comfortable institution that must be turned into a prevention entity.  Everybody wants to have a cure and not to have to deal with all that dreary prevention business.  Nobody gets flowers or pleasant hospital visits when they choose to quit smoking or to reduce the amount of meat in their table fare.

  5. if there were a cure for cancer or aids,

    how would "they" make money then? ;-)

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