
What can McCain/Palin do better than Bush/Cheney?

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Obama/Biden is for "change".

McCain/Biden promise "reforms".

Change... Reforms... Almost the same word, though "change" is of course a little bit stronger.

If hardcore Republicans believe that Bush/Cheney made everything right, why would they vote McCain/Palin because they promise reforms?

But why McCain/Palin who want a "change" as well?

Are they any better than Bush/Cheney?




  1. You have to realize that Obama/Biden are liked by the democrats

    McCain/Palin have Republicans that dislike who would you rather have.... someone who is liked by everyone in their party and would do anything for them or someone who would challenge their party?

    Me I would rather have someone who would challenge both.


  3. If you want this, they are your only shot.

    Palin is the only candidate that supports banning the birth control pill.

    Gov.Palin is a member of "Feminists for Life", an organization with members that openly support outlawing all "non-abortifacient contraception" (anything that stops implantation of the fertilized egg).

    She may not be able to overturn Roe vs Wade but there is no constitutional right to the birth control pill.

    She presides over a State whose budget has gone from 2.9 billion when she took office to 9 billion next year. 14,692.00 per person in the State. Wow. And they still have to pay Federal tax, and do not have roads between cities.

    Increasing spending by 300% in just less than 2 years. She is faster than Bush.

    1200 of it per household is for one new social program by taxing them and giving it back to them

    She was able to get more earmarks and pork for her city of 5000 than St. Paul Minnesota got.

    A true reformer she went against George Bush and sued to get Polar Bears taken off the endangered species list to make the way safe to open up ANWAR.

    Despite her well known experience Palin wants abstinence only taught in schools.

  4. No, McCain has proven that he is just as out of touch as George Bush on certain issues, He has flip flopped on everything from Drilling to Stem cell research. He doesn't remember how many houses he owns or he voted against making Birth Control(which limits the amount of unplanned pregnancy drastically) covered on Health insurance, but allowed for Viagra to be covered. Palin has proved that she is about Spending tax payers money willy nilly for pet projects(what the **** did she need 27 million dollars for a town of 6,000? Oh yeah, a stinking ice rink.) and her 385 million dollar project to build a bridge to nowhere(she flip-flopped once the National media found out that the bridge was going to absolutely nowhere(to be fair it was going to an island of 50 inhabitants). And the Republican party in General is out of touch, they just don't get the fact that Americans are tired of this game of avoiding the relevant issues that Republicans play.

  5. They promise to be compassionate.

  6. They play the sympathy card way better

    bush/cheney played the fear card really well though....

  7. how miserable of you for not growing because of fanaticism. Is this the only "one" you got for McCain and Palin? Have you not heard her speech and read their records as public servants? What about the empty suit's thin resume?  

  8. Lobbyists, career greedy politicians, special interests and wasteful spending and debt has run amuck in the the U.S. Congress. That is the target of this McCain Reform Movement. What else? The corruption and greed and wasted tax money gets him very angry. He means to change that. And that is why he chose Sarah Palin, she shares that feeling.

  9. Yes- entirely.

    They will lower gas prices. and have nuclear, clean coal, wind and all sorts of alternate energy sources added into effect. Gas prices will be lowered by drilling, by both actual supply and speculated supply (which decides the price more than actual)

    They wont do anything about the national debt. Neither will obama. Both will make it worse.

    They will get rid of as many earmarks as they can.

    They will reduce spending as much as they can.

    They will cut taxes as much as they can in the higher and lower brackets.

    They are not the same as bush and you only say they are because of the media. The media will let you believe what ever they want you to. Do the research, find out the policies for yourself.  

  10. Thatz an interesting question.................well, Mccain is old and rich and Sarah is much younger and hot, so they can do somethings that Bush and Cheney couldnt, u know what i mean?

  11. She is in for reforms and less government spending.

  12. In my mind change and reform in the current context is quite different. Reform is a specific positive attribute.  Change can be for the worse.

  13. Bush/Cheney lied about weapons of mass destruction.  They outed a CIA agent whose husband refuted this lie.  Nothing in their history would indicate that McCain/Palin would do either of these things on the contrary they have both shown throughout their careers that they have integrity much lacking in the present administration.  Only the Democrats can make the claim that there would be four more years of the worse administration this country has ever had.  Obama/Biden will raise taxes, sit down with Iran and Cuba and any other countries who have been our sworn enemies without any preconditions.  Don't be a fool vote for America not for a flash in the pan stylish fad.

  14. You know something.......this is an excellent question.  We hear of "reforms" but the speakers at this Republican Convention, so far, including Palin, have yet to make us understand what these "reforms" are.  I guess, like you, I will watch the rest of the RNC tonight to see if we can get a definition since it is certainly unclear so far.  I wish it was less of a John McCain cheerleading session and more answers on our nations big issues.

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