
What can New Zealand learn from this defeat?

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Ive seen it too many times before.

They lead by half time... get lazy... be trailing by less than a try within the last 10 minutes... and then lose.

Everyone knows the All Blacks is in a league of its own when it comes to the world standings and has a huge gap between the second best rugby nation in the world.

What can the future All Blacks learn from this defeat so that history will not repeat itself again... and again... and again?

EDIT: Under Graham Henry's conrol... they won 42 games and only lost 6. One of the best on records.




  1. Humility. The best laid plans of mice and men . . .

    I think they did all they really could. It was a great game just not the result that so many of us expected.

    I feel for the guys, because they really put so much work into this campaign - as did the coaching and management. But we have to come to terms with the fact that sometimes you lose.

    And nonenzedder you are barking up the wrong tree again - how many Northern Hemisphere teams have actually won the world cup ? Just the one I think.

    Northern Hemisphere rugby has very little to teach the Sourthern Hemisphere.

    The only reason that SH players choose to play in the NH is the cash.

  2. Well, to start with, not to leave the best lock and the best winger in the world out of the starting line-up.

  3. Take the poor refereeing and injuries to Kelleher, Carter & Evans out of the equation and you wouldn’t even be making this post. I doubt any side in the world could overcome losing two first fives and a halfback in quick succession. The rugby gods were against us this night.

  4. New Zealand need to learn that their superiority complex is not helping them to actually win when it matters. Maybe if they were more humble they would be more motivated to prove themselves on the big stage.

  5. Rugby players need to play Rugby ,to keep their match fitness.

    The biggest mistake Graham Henry made was pulling them out of regular rugby and wrapping them up in cotton wool .

    It just does not work, never has, never will.

    Rugby players do not get match fit , training in Gyms and accademies, they need real Rugby game time.

    Another major stuff up was selecting players for their various talents, but then not letting them play to those talents, instead, playing to instruction, Brendon Leonard is just one example, the guy is brilliant,when left to play his own style, fast,unpredictable , a game breaker,coming off the bench,but  once at the Cup, he just shovelled the ball on under instruction.

    Lets not blame the players for the problems,I`m sure that after a while,they will start speaking out.

    Jerry Collins was asked if he felt he would have been better if he had carried on playing Super 14 and Air NZ Cup., he had a twinkle in his eye when he answered.,"That`s not up to me,".I`m an employee, and I get payed to do what the employer wants me to do ".,not what I want to do..

  6. play more harder teams beofre the finals..

  7. They can learn dat now they realy need 2 show their dominance and rank by playing the best rugby of their lives n their coach should also take the blame 4 the subs made

  8. Not to rest players for super 14, not to be so bloody cocky, less rotations, play more together. Some of those players hadn't played 3 times 2gether. They needed more experiance as a team. Yes they have stunning players, but rugby is a team sport (apart from when it comes 2 bloody england). I like Grahem Henry and don't think he should be dropped, but his rotation policy has 2 go. And they have 2 stop being so precious. Ohhhh the NZ public has 2 have more faith.

  9. you know what?? the all blacks counted on dan carter to deliver the goods in all games he played. they should learn its not all about one player, its a team game. and they need to stop changing the captains, because richie was probably jealous of how collins was captain of some of the games.

    and they need to sort out there back line!!

  10. dont play le frogs in a world cup

  11. humility ....

  12. Southern Hemosphere teams are not used to knock out competitions...In the northern hemisphere their major competitions are structured to mirror the world cup..The Heineken cup/French league EDF and Premiership is exactly the same as the world cup in that.

    Teams learn how to "not loose" a tight there is relegation at all levels, no second chances...

    Think this gives players a mental edge.

    Any team up here in the all blacks position would have hit over a drop goal.

    This is why three of the four teams (argentina included) in the competition have all their players playing up here, and is why they are so successful in knock out comps.

  13. Never Underestimate any Team in the World Cup!!

  14. Don't wear those silly jerseys again! You're not called the "All Blacks" for nothing! (If you have to change...what's wrong with white jerseys with black trim, black shorts and socks?).

  15. I have to agree with 'keypoint...' and 'damian' to a certain degree, but 'nonenzed...' has summed it up very well and if what 'nonenzed...' says happens, this may teach them 'keypoint...' and 'damian...s' point of view.

    Super 14 would have been the closest Comp where some of the players would have learnt this in the knock out stages. This may even show in the South Africans performances.

    Rugby in the Southern Hemisphere may have to look at running a similar Comp before the World Cup in the near future.

    I strongly do believe that the most successful team in the Super 14 give an good indication of who is going to do well in the World Cup.

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