
What can Pescitarians eat?

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WHat foods can't Pescitarians eat and what can they eat? HELP!




  1. I can't answer this because it would be prawnographic and I might get expelled from Yahoo Answers!

  2. Pescatarian (also spelled pescetarian)

    The word “pescatarian” is occasionally used to describe those who abstain from eating all meat and animal flesh with the exception of fish. Although the word is not commonly used, more and more people are adopting this kind of diet, usually for health reasons or as a stepping stone to a fully vegetarian diet.

    What do you eat? .. Well as long as it doesn't contain meat ie beef, chicken, mutton, etc.. then you can eat it and call yourself a Pescatarian; however, this is NOT a type of vegetarian, as you are killing and eating a living animal.

    If you need anymore help, you can email me .. just go on my profile.  


    Answer my question:;...

  3. "Pescestarians" are omnivores.....not vegetarians.... so this is the wrong section to even ask this.

  4. Pescatarians eat fish so they're not vegetarians or vegans.

  5. They can eat any sea-food apart from marine mammals, all river fish and crayfish etc. All vegetables and fruit, but no land mammals or birds.

    I prefer to eat fish or shellfish rather than meat - but I think that this definition is one of those silly little culinary boxes, like vegetarian, and vegan and that sort of stuff.

    If you are entertaining someone who describes themselves as a pescitarian I would suggest a menu of prawns as a first course, (or Octapus stewed in red wine).  Main course -fish pie - mixture of salmon, white fish and hard boiled eggs, gherkins, capers, spring onions, a well flavoured white sauce, topped with mashed potato and finished with parmesan, baked in the oven - nice one this as you don't have to fiddle with it at the last minute, accompanied by a green salad. Sweet:  fresh fruit, with an interesting cheese board as a choice.

  6. It's like a vegetarian but they don't eat fish.


  7. Pescetarianism is a dietary choice, in which a person — known as a pescetarian — eats fish or other non-mammalian aquatic animals but will not eat terrestrial animals or marine mammals. Some animal products like eggs and dairy may be part of a pescetarian diet.

  8. Let them eat crab cakes. I won't be a prawn in your game.

  9. Pescetarian is a term for a person who consumes fish but no other animals.  That's the only requirement.  A pescetarian might or might not consume dairy and eggs.

  10. OHHHHHHHH i didnt know that term either!!! till i read the answers!!! OMG SO THATS WHAT I AM!!!!!!!!! cuz i did stop eating all meats except for fish! no wonder why vegetarians were all like "you're not one of us" hahahahah... well im glad that there is a term for that :D:D:D:D:D:D yayyyy

  11. whatever they want. If you are referring to vegetarian vegan diets, they don't eat any kind of meat, including seafood.

    so basically, like I said, anything they want.

  12. pescetarians don't eat meat or poultry. They can eat fish, though.

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