
What can WE do 2 help the homeless?

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just wat it says




  1. Quit giving them money so they will have to get a job to eat.

  2. first is to stop making them parasites (that is to stop giving alms or dole-outs) - instead of helping them we are making them to dependent on other persons for survival.

    we can start by teaching them how to make a living so they can fend for themselves.

  3. People who are chronically homeless usually have chemical dependency or mental health problems. Those problems need treatment (WITHOUT coercion - the coercive nature of these treatments is part of why people won't go get help - google psychiatric survivors)  Without treating the root causes, homelessness will continue.

    A lot of people go thru temporarly problems, and most of those folks move from relative to relative and stay at their homes, so they are considered part of the homeless, but are not out on the streets.  Many live in their cars & aren't seen because they freshen up in public restrooms.

  4. Donate clothes,communitiy service at nearest chruch or soup kitchen. Some thing like that is the best way to do it and has been successfull for me

  5. talk to your legislators to help forestall foreclosures.


  7. Give them dignity and respect, but don't become an enabler for all the vices they might have.

  8. Teach them not to leave the property they were living in before they became homeless.

  9. Euthanize them much like stray animals after 6 months.

    I wouldn’t be opposed to packing them into crates and shipping them to pharmaceutical companies as test subjects. Free rooms, free food, free medication…what could be better.

  10. Change in government...and education.

  11. campaign to the government

    try to fund or donate to the charities which deal with solving the homelessness

    realise that there is a minority that does actually want to be homeless- yes really, they have spent so long there I guess and get offered homes but just go back to the streets, there was a bbc documentary on it.

    Do not give to beggers, it will give them reason to stay on the streets and often feed habits and substance abuse problems.

  12. if you have a local "soup" place around. You could like call and ask if you can come help out one day.

    Also you can donate stuff to goodwill or an organization like that

    anything you do will help!

    its great you want to help. there should be more ppl like you in the world(:

  13. PERHAPS instead of walking by them all the time like they're not there maybe each one of us should befriend someone enough to talk to them and try to help and see what it would take for them to transition back into society as a self-sufficient person.  Mind you this may take some time or maybe not.  Maybe they just need someone to pay positive attention to them, listen to them, know that they too matter even if is in their own way for now.  They don't trust people, remember that's the root reason why they are in that position in the first place!!!!! Have Patience, you never know who you're talking to!

  14. Train them to work...many of them had jobs that are now obsolete, and simply need retraining.  You know the saying...give a man a fish, he will eat for a day.  Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime.  Same concept.

  15. pass out big boxes for them to live in

  16. What make them homeless in the first place?

    Did we give them our creator's universal gifts of life with the fishing line, hooks and sinkers vital for the survival and advancement of living human kind?

    If we reach out and extend them a helping hands with cash or donation.

    Wil it help them to stand on their own two feets in time?

    Will it be not be giving them a fish that they eat for a day then go hungry for the next 364 days?

    Why don't we get them to join the "YMCA"

    Where they can learn and master our creator's universal gifts of life with the fishing line, hooks and sinkers.

    With time will be able to fish for the rest of their life and standing on their own two feets.

    So if feeding them with cash and donation.

    How long will they be in square one?

    Now can one be the guiding star?

    Luke 8.5-8, 10-17

    What do you think?

  17. make sure their sweat glands are working properly,,,,  

    maybe they deserve to be homeless , some of them, like King Nebecanezzer,     i don,t know,  befriend them, give them your censure, give them charity  give them attention, and initiate social programs where they would be helpful, creating a home enviorment, places to socialize, play games, attend to hobbies, or just work of various kinds,   and of course this depends,    adopt them,    make them part of your family, where this can be done with no risk, to anyone

  18. Well my school is doing a food drive and sending it to the hunger

  19. Talk with the person with respect. Taking time to talk to a homeless person in a friendly, respectful manner can give them a wonderful sense of civility and dignity. And besides being just neighborly, it gives the person a weapon to fight the isolation, depression and paranoia that many homeless people face.

  20. giving to charities, giving some money on the streets, although risky cause you don't know who is genuine - i prefer buying them something. i once bought a homeless guy a mcdonalds one winter when it was snowing, he looked cold and appreciated the warm food and coffee.

    volunteering in shelters or for charities that help them.

    preventing people you know from ending up in that kind of situation. helping people on the street by giving them information.

    or if u really feel like it adopt one! :)

  21. Dear friend, it is a very good question. Listen-in the creation of God, some are rich by birth. some are becoming rich with their efforts. some are failing even with efforts. and the the last are forgotten brothers. our society should hug them. provide them with bare minimum requirements by donations and by collections. read the Holy Bible once and see what happened to caroliyas. the Hindu bible The Bhagavat Geetha says, society should come to the risk of individual. We should have a socialistic pattern of society. I too feel like you and the possible i could do.

  22. lead by example. but for those who can't help themselves for whatever reason we should donate to.

  23. ~Make food, volunteer at a soup kitchen, or hold a food drive! =3 I've done all these to help my community~

  24. that's a good question,many think the homeless are on drugs or alcohol,i can agree some are but there's people who abuse drug and alchol who's not homeless. The homeless is a subject that needs addressed for there is many out there who needs help.Maybe write congress or the govenor and see if grants could be given for a homeless shelter or some churches allow part of the church to be used during night ,and give food thought the day.I see some answers on here seems hard but how would you feel if for some reason you had no money ,family and no where to lay down tonight? or if you have a family no where to take them? I hope you follow up with trying to help the homeless,may God bless you for your thoughts of wanting to help

  25. go throw some bread and if they eat it ur helping otherwise if u give em' money they wont save it they'll buy some wine kuz hobos can't afford

  26. adopt one and provide shelter and food for it like a pet, kinda. Raise it to get a job. Or, donate all your allowance to a food bank or homeless shelter.

  27. Fund chemical dependency programs in their communities.  Food drives and donations treat the symptoms, not the cause.  Get these people off drugs and alcohol (since many are), so they can turn their lives around.  All the campbells chicken noodle soups in the world won't do c**p if they are still meth addicts and alcoholics.

  28. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

    Treat them like the human beings they are. With Respect.

    Smiles and hugs are FREE.

    Pray for them.

    Food vouchers.

    Clothing vouchers.


  29. Follow the footsteps of Muhammed Yusef

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