
What can YOU do to make a difference in this World?

by Guest62072  |  earlier

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What do you think you could do to make this world a better place? Please be creative and serious. Not for jokes.....




  1. recycle

  2. leave it.  

  3. I try and help when I can i am a stay at home mom fo the past 15 months. right now I do Make a Wish as a wish granter. i hope I raise my little ones to love and help others  

  4. I am a police officer living one day at a time, one case at a time.

    Each person met is one that I intend to help; I cannot help all because some are ignorant, some are above me, some are enemies, etc. but every so often I meet one that I do help, and as long as that every so often occurs I make a difference no matter how small.

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