
What can a 11 year old do to get £100 as quick as they can? (Following the laws of the UK)?

by Guest33524  |  earlier

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It doesn't matter what they do as long as it is safe and free. The best thing to do would be to have a job but it has to follow the laws of the UK. Maybe you could tell me the laws of the uk...




  1. Sell things you no longer use/need on ebay?

  2. That's cute. Save up your allowance and sell some old games that you don't play anymore. You're too young to do a job of any real consequence.

  3. You wont be able to get any proper job, like in a shop, or even a paper round!

    How bout washing cars for neighbours? Or asking if they've got any little jobs that need doing? Gonna take a while to get to £100 tho!

    How about car boot sale? Gather up your old toys n stuff, or ask your parents or another adult friend to put your bits on Ebay?

  4. try washing the neighbours cars, cutting their lawns or ask them if there is any other odd jobs they need doing i'm sure you'll get plenty work. Also get your parents to list some of your old toys/games on Ebay.

  5. Grab a bucket and a sponge and go cleaning your neighbours cars - at £5 a go, 20 cars will do it.

  6. I'd be more concerned why an 11 year would need £100 quickly and asking an adult for help would be more responsible.

  7. Washing cars is good, but I heard of one young fellow who went around washing wheelie bins and did pretty well.

  8. make some lemonade and sell it outside your house,


  9. giving all your books to a second hand book shop will start you off.

  10. try lots of car washing in the are you live in, or dog walking if you like dogs. I know it sounds silly but you can earn around £5 for each car/walk. You could offer to do someones shopping at the local store or something like that. As an 11 year old you can not apply for weekend jobs as it illegal but as soon as you turn 13 try it out!  

  11. Ask your mum and dad?

  12. well, a job would be useful but it would be hard to find one for an 11 year old. An idea would be to have a yard sale, just sell anything that isn't ever used anymore.

  13. I'm not sure where the law stands but when I was 11 we used to knock on neighbours doors and offer to wash cars for cash or do other odd jobs such as gardening.  It would be advisable to have the parent there when propositioning the neighbours so people feel more comfortable with the arrangement and the child is as safe as possible as the parent knows where the child is.

  14. you can't get £100 for free, people always want something in return. But you can sell things that you don't use or things that might be useful to people. You can clean your neighbours' garden in exchange for money. You can help you parents with something and get money in return.You can walk people's dogs. that's all i can think of.

    good luck!

  15. its illegal for any 11 year old to have a job! when you are 13 you can get a paperround at your local newsagent, but i appley for one about 3 weeks ago and theres non left so that might be a case aswell. Yard sales dont work in england so try a carboot sale, pitch up a stall and sell your suuf like old books, stuffed animals ect. but anything worth over about £15 sell on ebay as its unlikely someone will buy it on a carboot any leftover items tht didnt sell take them to school and sell them there someone might want them after tht if u still dont have enough do extra chores around the house for money ask for a pocket money payrise and start saving!

    good luck  

  16. if you have got something you can sell advertising it in the local paper is usually free- you could try that

    Otherwise working is probably illeagal for a 11yr old to work in britain but you could get a paper round and do it supervised by your parents (could take approx 10 weeks though to get £100)

  17. Cleaning cars springs to mind. Do a car boot sale and sell your old toys,games - ask an adult nicely to accompany you.

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