
What can a 12 year old do to make some money? Aiming for around 80$?

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What can a 12 year old do to make some money? Aiming for around 80$?




  1. lol. Sell some lemonade.

  2. Yard work or babysit?? you'll have to do a few jobs before you get to 80.00

  3. Find stuff around your house that needs to be cleaned/fixed/replaced/ect THAT YOU'RE CAPABLE OF DOING...but ask your parents if they will pay you for doing them BEFORE you do them, otherwise they have no obligation to pay you

    As for babysitting/ anything having to do with're 12, most people probably won't trust you.

  4. baby sit, cut grass, yardwork.

    Its springtime now, and every single homeowner on the face of the planet needs to do spring yard work.

    Start knocking on doors in your neighborhood.

    Typically, the dead winter grass needs to be raked with a stiff rake. This is hard work. Most people hate doing it.

  5. yard sale.what do u need money 4?

  6. you could find a place that buys used books, or children's clothes, and then shop around places like goodwill and pick up their good as new stuff and sell them to places, in my town there is a place called Hastings that rents movies and such and buys used books, I have a clothes store called Once upon a Child that buys used kids stuff

  7. collect and recycle aluminum cans.  my brother and i used to do this in the 80s and we made about that much.  we would look in park trash cans, golf course trash cans, beach trash cans, etc.

    if you live near a golf course, collect stray balls and sell them by the dozen

    good luck!

  8. ask your rich grandmother

  9. neighborhood work by going door to door, getting a paper route, etc.

  10. try a paper route

  11. there are alot of ways..

    you can ask your parents for chores to do at your house=raking leaves, cleaning, etc.

    or you can start a smalllll buisness just for the use of your family~ex: massaging for $5 or something...

    you can even collect coins that are left around your house, like pennies, dimes, nickles...its not much, but i got $10 from just coins in a month...

    ORRR...if you REALLY want some kind of job, then babysit, offer to walk peoples dogs, mow their lawns..etc.

    (i dont reccomend babysitting especially if the kid is SUPER annoying its a pain and you dont get paid much...)

  12. You could mow a car wash....detail cars (clean the inside) ... bake sale...

  13. Ahh I was in your place once. It stinks to be young and not be able to make money. Perhaps you could babysit, or walk dogs, or pet-sit while your neighbors or friends are on vacation. I became a ref for soccer games when I was about 13, and the pay is actually really good. You can make up to $45 from just one game!

    Hope I helped!

  14. well try asking people you know that works

  15. lol 80$ the most is 50$ if that! try babysitting.

  16. If your parents have an ebay account you can find something none of you need and sell it there on ebay.  Or ask your parents to open an ebay account  and help you make it happen.

  17. ask your parents/family for random stuff around the house, then have a yard sale

  18. if you are a genius: invent something

    if you are not a genius:lemonade stand

    if you are rich:ask mommy & daddy

    if your are not rich: fund raise

    if you like jobs:babysit part time

    if you don't like jobs or small children:don't babysit

  19. babysit.

  20. if you find a good one then tell me cuz im broke!lol!♥

  21. help me 'move some crates'

  22. Cut grass. Bundle recyclables for neighbors.

  23. Have you tried doing fund raisers? You need to spend money to make money.... You could by sodas and candy in bulk is a lot cheaper that way and then sell each item individually for a fair price, make sure that you do the math right and you should make a decent profit. You can also try taking orders from neighbors and bake cakes or cookies. You should try to negotiate with your parents and asked them to give you 1 dollar for every 10 dollars you make. It don't sound like much but all of this will add up in the end. Good luck.

  24. Clean your house for money, or sell somthing in your school.

  25. babysitting or lawn work. One of the boys in my neighborhood is about 13 and he will rake leaves, pick weeds, mow the lawn, ect.  He says he makes a killing. You could also bring in recycling or learn magic or something.   One of my friends started a t-shirt business because we have one of those stores at the mall which will make custom t-shirts for you.  There's also dog walking and being a junior life guard (they help around the kiddie pools and sometimes teach kids to swim).  It's getting really hot out, you could sell ice-cream.  Maybe sell some of your old video games.  Think of things you're good at.

  26. Get a job baby sitting or walking dogs or something that isn't a real job but you do get paid for. Good luck!

  27. Collect Change. You should like look for change under your sofa, on floor, on the side walks,ect.

    You could do yard walk spring break is coming up.

    I would not trust a 12 year old with babysitting.

  28. Do chores around the house. Tell your parents that you would like to make some money and tell then what the money is for. They won't mind the extra chores around the house done and you won't mind the extra money.

  29. why don't you try to do some extra chores for your parents.  maybe mowing some lawns or picking up leaves for your neighbors.  picking up cans on the side  of the road

  30. Paint fences, babysit, mow lawns, take people's trash out to the curb, or wash cars.

  31. sell something, preferedly video games u dont play anymore but 2 a person not a store b/c they only give u about halff u paid 4 it, that is if its still 'big' like an assassins creed @ gamestop now is like $15 so yeah  :D

    u could also just pick up like bottles & stuff off the ground & take it 2 a dump 4 alot they give u like $20

    u could also go a salvation army or sumthin like it & buy like certain crafts things (cuz theyre RLLY cheap, make-em & sell-em    i made soime candles (sounds hard but its not) & sold-em 4 $5 each (go 2 like a crafts site & read how 2 make-em

    *btw- selling stuff @ school is like against the hand book or sumthing so u could get like expelled or suspended or sumthing so dont

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