
What can a 13 year old girl make for lunch?

by  |  earlier

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i dont want it to be complicated.

but good.(:




  1. Well, mine would make a grilled cheese sandwich, or a grilled ham/turkey and cheese sandwich, maybe heat up a can of soup to go w/ it, and have some brownies in the oven before she sat down to eat!  LOL

  2. Grilled cheese on Rye with bacon and a Coke

    That's what I'm having.

  3. Easy Mac haha sooo good!

  4. You can make sandwiches, anything with cold cuts, tuna, peanut butter and jelly, etc.

    Scrambled eggs, an omelet, etc.

    Salad, there are many different types, or just a regular green salad with cucumbers, tomatoes, olives, onions, whatever YOU like!

    Hot dogs


    mac and cheese

    Cheese and crackers with some fruit like grapes

    Fruit salad, cut up some of your favorite fruits, sprinkle some lemon juice on it so it doesn't turn brown (you won't taste the lemon, it's just so it doesn't turn), toss it and have that.

    Pasta. boil up some macaroni or spaghetti and then either put some garlic and olive oil with it or butter or just marinara sauce with it.

    Bagel with toppings

    BLT, bacon, lettuce, and tomato on toast.

    I hope some of these ideas help!

  5. Pizza on Rye

    8 oz Tomato sauce

    1/4 ts Basil

    1/8 ts Oregano

    5 Or 6 slices of rye toast

    8 oz Sliced mozzarella cheese

    Parmesan cheese

    Mix the tomato sauce, basil and oregano and spread on 5 or 6 slices of rye toast. Divide the 8 ounces of sliced mozzarella among the pizzas. Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese and broil until bubbly. For variety, I top my pizza with onions, pepperoni, and sometimes canned shrimp.

  6. Easy Mac

    Bolongia sandwich


  7. Sandwiches are the best..easy, fast and you can vary the toppings and use different types of bread. Use things like eggs and mayo, tuna, leftover from last nights roast, cheeses, cold cuts, sausages..etc. Pile on loads of salad leaves and tomatoes and have it with a piece of fruit for dessert and a cup of yogurt.

  8. sandwiches and salads.


  9. PB&J is great at any age, also easy.

  10. Tuna salad



    Breaded Chicken

    Breaded Chicken:

    Take chicken b*****s and cut into strips after thoroughly rinsing.

    Dip in egg.

    Coat in breadcrumbs.

    Cook in a pan with oil until all the pink is gone.


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