
What can a 14 year old girl do in NYC at 9pm??????

by  |  earlier

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i heard of teen nights at night clubs, but i cnt find good info on tht. anyone have any websites/numbers of night clubs in NYC tht do teen night?

and if u know some trendy retaurants tht would be nice too!

thx guys!!

and plzzzz dnt suggest something babyish. it gets annoying when ppl write "aaawwww she wants to be all grown up!!" no i need something to do with my friends.

thx for the answers tht might ACTUALLY help me!




  1. i`d hang around the cityy.

    if its not at teen clubs,

    go to the hard rock cafe, planet hollywood, or any of those big fabulous stores there.

  2. when i was your age i lived in NYC for a few years.  there was a church off of 15th avenue that had an afterschool program for teens called Teen Outreach.  they served dinner and afterschool snacks, and the program operated until 11pm every night.  everyday after school they helped with homework, we played games, watched movies, did arts and crafts, and most importantly, we had worship time.  a one-year membership only costed $200.  it was a lot of fun and i made some great friends there that i still talk to this day.

  3. in your friends should go to the mall or take pictures thats what me in my friends do or have a sleep overour have a girls night out in you only do all girly things

  4. Go to a movie! :) I don't know of any Clubs that actually do a teen night. Probably gonna be hard to find things @ A Club for your age range. Good Luck!

  5. go to a block party hosted by someone at your school

  6. stay in and stay safe

  7. Go over to the Ikea store, or Toy R Us.

    It's actually lots of fun there, my college friend loves it.

    Bright lights, things to touch and play around with.

    It's like a slumber party without the sleeping bags.

    But try not to go outside after 8 p.m., hun.

    NYC is not known for its safe and friendly ways.

  8. hopefully head home.

  9. Go to bed!

  10. teen clubs are not what you think they are and usually are not like what you see on tv...although you maybe lucky to find one that is safe...but probably not

    these places are known for drugs, crime, and s* you want to be part of that? try to find a teen club OUTSIDE maybe in and your friends would have a lot more fun in Jersey i think

    why not go to the theater?

    14 year old girls should not wonder around large cities by themselves at night..thats like asking someone to bait you in

  11. your only 14 you shouldn't be going to places like that. that's how bad things happen. what if someone trys to kidnap you then what??? i know it could happen to anyone but your still too young to be going to places by yourself. why don't you just go to the movies or have a little get together at someone's house. teen night clubs you probably have to be 17 or 18 not 14!!! come on. you still have plenty of time to party when your the right age too. be a teenager don't try to be older.

  12. eh! ihm young too! and i cant hardly do anything when my bros and sisters are out partyin! so i just usually shop or hang wif some buddies! so i know how you feel! just lonely when you feel like goin out and gettin drunk and crunk and havin fun wif some friends! welp idk. ihm 14 and i wish all tht stuff too.

    but oh well.

    i guess i just like havin fun wif friends and usually havin a bunch of buddies over and crankin up the music with no alchohal!!

    contact me for anything else![[[=

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