
What can a 21 yo son do to make his mom feel appreciated?

by  |  earlier

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she thinks my dad is a jerk who takes her money (they're not divorced) she works hard around the house and she gets minimal help, and i hardly ever talk to her, but i do help her in anything she wants.




  1. flowers and a lunch taking her out and showing her a good time a great big hug and kiss on the cheek saying I love you mom and helping her out around the house like you do is a great big help I wish more sons was like you and dont forget moms love cards and movies and other places to go your a good kid

  2. Do the chores she normally does for a day, then treat her to dinner and a movie.

  3. dont listen to mallilady

    you can always buy her gifts to show her that she's appreciated, give her hugs, show up as often as you can and do chores without her asking, just simply be there to talk to her and make her laugh, tell her you love her and tell her she can call whenever she needs help... maybe even send her some money every month

  4. I know how you feel I can give u some tips on what my 20 yr old brother should do.  You should call her every now and then not to ask for anything but just to see how she's doing and how her day is.  Help her out, you know and try to do some work around the house when possible.  You could take her out to eat or buy her flowers.  Know what you can and can't afford though.  You can give her money to help her out a little bit if you can.  I would just say calling every now and then would help.  My mom has the same problems to every extent of your question.  At times she says she wishes that my brother would call her every now and then.

  5. big hug

  6. it is actually kind of sad that you are 21 and not aware of what would make your mother happy....

  7. well thats something special that u can think of on your own it has to come from you the (ideas) it means more you no but just stand by her side all the time and help with the money if ur dad takes it away dude if he does that then ur mom will need to support her self and without money she cant she id say satnd by her side and lend her money here and there so she can manage ..

  8. ok so why dont you just help her around the house and buy her a giftcard?...

  9. Wow! You are such a great son just for thinking about doing something nice for your mother.  You should surprise her when she gets home with a clean house, food on the table with flowers also.  Just knowing you spent time doing this will mean the world to her.  Also, get a card and write in it how much you love and appreciate her.  You will bring her to tears for sure, tears of joy that is.  

    I hope that when I have kids, I have a son just like you.  You've touched my heart so I know you will touch your mothers as well.  May God bless you and all your decisions.

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