
What can a I keep in a tank this size

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My mother gave me the old fish tank, since I have expressed interest in caring for some aquatics. I've done hamsters in the past, which I still do, but I'd like to do some aquatic as well.

The fish tank I've been given is about a foot and a half high, a foot and a half wide and two feet long. I don't want to crowd animals, and due to my skill level, if it's a really complicated fish (like a tropical or something), I'd like to start with something I'm less likely to kill.

Can you even put anything in a tank this small? I think it's 10 gallons, but I'm not sure.

Some people have suggested that I start with about six or seven bloodfin that good advice?




  1. I would suggest to do 1 dwarf chain loach (it will be cleaning the tank), 2 bloodfin tetras ( they even have glass bloodfin tetras, which are pretty cool), 3 or 4 cardinal tetras ( they are small fish), and 2 glass catfish.  I would suggest to have a snail ( mystery snail, because they dont get big), or a shrimp to do some extra cleaning of the tank.

    You can look up information on how to take care of fish online.  

    such as tropical fish hobbyist, and aquarium fish international websites., and dr. foster's and smith.

  2. i would put 1 2 3 mollies in it...make sure they do not breed tho! unless you want babies!

  3. Bloodfins?  It is a ten gallon, blood fins are very active but that is the only thing you could keep in it, they are notorious nippers.  I suggest you go for a few Platys, guppies, sword tails, Corydoras catfish, maybe a Plecostomus.  All told 10-15 fish total depending on size can be comfortable in a 10 gallon.  As long as you provide areation and do frequent water changes  A couple Shabukin "Goldfish" would be good too.  Best of all they are colorful and don't need a heater.

  4. A good starting tank would be

    1 powder blue gourama

    6 neon tetras

    this tank is hardy and easy to care for

    but make sure you do research, becasue you will need to cycle your tank

    dont forget to get a heater, thermometer, and filter

  5. If your looking for something interesting and unique you could look into getting some Killifish. There are a few good breeders in the US and they aren't terribly expensive. A community of Killifish would do well in a 10 gallon tank, a couple males and 5 or so females would do the trick, depending on the type you get. Plus they are brilliantly colored fish...gorgeous really.  

  6. i would go for simple gold fish or guppies. guppies have live births and have babies often. and they are really cool to take care of.  

  7. ok

    what you do is put hearty fish (ask pet store which are hearty)

    in for 2 weeks to go through the nitrogen cycle then I'd suggest  guppies or some common gold fish 3(common goldfish are the best for begginers)  or subunkin goldfish

    thanks, pete

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