
What can a black woman do to became more respectable in today's society?

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Should they change their apperance? Speak properly and behave in a professional manner? Tell me your honest opinion .




  1. In today's society, you race is not why you are disrespected.  Look a little deeper honey

  2. Unfortunately most women arent treated respectfuly, there is still alot of sexism. You just have to strive, some women have accomplished it it and it was not easy. I dont think that u have to look at yourself like the above have said its still the reality though slowly but surely its getting better.  I think for a woman to get respect has to "act" the role, we all chacterize folks by the way they talk, look, act, etc. its the truth.

  3. More respectable than what? I am not in the world of people who think that any women should need to change their persona to meet any one's idea of acceptable. Isn't that your real basis of thought? I can never imagine a world were there might be people I didn't accept just as they are. And what is this idea that black women have any less important as they are than black women who are professional and societally more "correct". That's like saying all the women who are white, non-articulate, and work at the local are less respectable than other whites.

    And why are people who are not "of color" called "whites"?

    I may be of european decent but I don't ask to be called "euro-white". I'm just to tired of all this name calling.

  4. The best thing she could do is get the best education, so she has plenty of money and then she can look the greatest and then people will have the respect. You have respect for a person in a suit, they look important, they stand out. If you have money she can live in the places where there ant any c**p off others. And she could move to another country where that **** doesnt happen. Things may change a little with Abama, who knows, if he takes the Blacks side, I dont blame him.

  5. Black women are already respectable. I think your question is very saddening and says an awful lot about how you feel about yourself.

  6. I do not think they are disrespected.

  7. What does it mean to "speak properly"?

    You know, I actually wish people would act more like black people in regular discourse.

    From what I have observed, black folk are much more honest and genuine in daily conversation.

    I remember standing in a line for something in the middle of a large, older African-American family also in line. I laughed from the second I was there to the second I left because of the sheer amount of creative thoughts and funny things I heard.

    Standing with white people is boring and miserable :D

  8. If your talking about ebonics, yes but that will fade away as time marches on.

    they will behave like the people they associate with, so it means they need to assimilate more.

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