
What can a breastfeeding mother take to relieve a cold?

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Symptoms are:

Stuffy Nose...

Sore/Itchy Throat...

Watery Eyes...

Sinus Pressure...





  1. saline nasal spray, tylenol,cough drops,  warm cups of tea...

  2. There actually are medications you can take while you are breastfeeding, it just depends on how bad your symptoms are and how old your baby is.  Check with your doctor, but Benadryl is usually acceptable.  Sudafed can be used but since it dries up all mucous membranes, it can temporarily reduce your milk supply, so drink lots and lots of water and nurse more frequently than usual to counteract that effect.  Also you can consider a nasal spray like Afrin.  It tends to work locally to unstuff your nose as opposed to systemically like a pill.  Advil or ibuprofin is also generally considered safe.  Saline Nasal spray is safe.  Always take the lowest dose you can, get lots of rest, take a nice hot steamy shower to help you feel better and check with your doctor.  

  3. i had the same thing , i rang the children'ss hospital and they said panadol and nothing else. having hot showers can help relieve thestuffinesss in your nose. i would ring ur local naturalpath and ask them if the can recommend anything

  4. I bought a neti pot and started using it twice a day while I was sick.  It was the first sinus infection I've ever had that cleared up without antibiotics.  It feels a little weird at first, but it is SO effective!

  5. I had the worst head cold of my life the day before I was to start back to work after maternity leave!  I didn't dare take anything that even MIGHT affect my milk supply so I got relief from warm showers and a Vick's Waterless Vaporizer.  It truly helped SO much.  (it's the third one down on the link I posted).   It was like $18.00 at Target....

  6. you can use saline spray for nose, take about 4000 mg of VIt C to end cold faster. Drink lots of water, but I wouldn't take anything else.

  7. To help relieve sinus pressure and your stuffy nose you can use a saline nose spray or put some Vick's on the openings of your nostrils.  Another great idea is to take a warm shower because the steam helps.  For your throat and other symptoms prepare and drink some peppermint tea, it always helps my symptoms.  Or you can eat a popsicle for some temporary relief.  I can't think of much for watery eyes though, hopefully that will help itself.  It sucks to be sick when you can't take anything to relieve the symptoms!  

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