
What can a cancer do to cheer up a sag. down in the pits/dumper?

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What can a cancer do to cheer up a sag. down in the pits/dumper??? Any thing well known to work???




  1. I agree with Garrett. There is more than just a sun sign. A chart is more complicated than that and one does not know other placements of signs/relationships with other planets/ houses' placements etc.

    To stereotype a sign to an extreme is wrong. True,  fire signs tend to hide their feelings more than water signs. They all tend to have one thing in common which is pride like leos and Aries. They can be harder to know.

    A person is a person afterall otherwise we would all be aliens from outer space.

    I just think that that they are like any other people really : listen.

    Fire signs won't spill as quickly maybe as others. Water signs can sometimes wear their heart on their sleeves or or the other.

    It is obvious in the forum that some people will just say and spill anything about what is going on with them. Maybe age and maturity has something to do with it..or maybe because it is a supposedly "anonymous" forum. But people get to know one another after a while especially if they have been a long time on here and can read between the lines.

    Maybe it is one downfall of fire signs and maybe air signs too...they do not talk about what is bothering them. ESPECIALLY on public forums when millions can read.

    I found the same true about other friends I have which are fire signs too..not all the time though ..they will certainly not reveal their inner selves on here but are better on a one to one depends on the whole chart. One can have a sun sign in a fiery planet but also has lots of water.

    They are people just the same as everybody else.....maybe it takes them more time. Fire means energy, moving along.

    Fire signs are more into action and initiative and can dismiss what is bothering them but it is always anyway at the back of their mind.

    Not sure if I get it right though because plenty of other "sun signs" are the same anyway.

    Yes sag in general are very optimistic and can pick themselves maybe quicker. But all are not the same ! They are a mutable sign..they can leave people and situations behind very quickly.

    If you have a sag friend who is in the dump........use your water sign...listen and sympathise. Like everybody else actually.

    Sag are supposed to leave situations and people very easily and to some extent it is true. They like honesty and can sniff very quickly when other people are being dishonest and two faced.

    Honesty is a big thing for Sagittarians. Mind you they like it so much that it can be their downfall as well......hence the reputation of being too blunt at times. But they sure appreciate the same towards them. Snide remarks, little mind games, offenses and rumours towards them but not directly in the open really get to them. They just see those people as cowards really still playing in the sand in kindergarten.

    Sagittarians prefer a good confrontation than behind the scenes put downs. They prefer to put the cards on the table and discuss and despise people who talk behind their backs because they will address the person upfront themselves. Again they are fire silly mind games.

    OK...carrying on too much.

    But whatever you have with your sag.......they are people. And some people need longer time to reveal themselves.

    Good luck !!

  2. don't worry about a sag.....they have natural reserves of optimisim.....why cheer someone up, if you're only going to try to drag them down again when they're happy....take a back seat on this one....but the thought is nice (if it is in fact someone genuine....).

    sags generlaly don't want extraneous help....honestly one meddlessome perosn has done enough already....i think i'd sooner brave a flying leap over a river of lava then yeah, you get the point......

    but if you'd really like to meddle, then administer a spanking(s).....i'm  a sag and trust me we really like it, like really hard, esp so if it's from someone we really love/care about *blushing* ; D

  3. its more about what the person is not what there sign is  

  4. Sags are a little too emotional for me. I know because i'm a cancer and i have a friend who is... well  she's going through a lot at the moment. we tried to help her but she refuses and is annoying us all already

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