
What can a couple do to increase the probability of having a good marriage?

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What can a couple do to increase the probability of having a good marriage?




  1. Communicate.

  2. Talk to each other often, and to always respect each other.

  3. Communication, honesty, loyalty, and a healthy s*x life.  Date night once a week.  Or my bf and I trade of on days.  On Tuesdays, I do not have to do anything.  He cooks, cleans serves me and pampers me, massages or whatever I want.  Thursday is his day.

  4. I can tell you what we did.  We both took 2 weeks to think carefully about what we wanted/needed/desired from our spouse.  We wrote them down and, before we married shared.

    For me, understanding exactly what she hoped for, expected, desired from he help me understand her.  It help me know what I needed to do to satisfy her needs.  There is no way I would have figured it out on my own, so it Must be communicated.  And since everyone is different, you can't find the answer in a book.

    Tell him the 3 things you need from him.  For example my wife needed me to build her up, compliment her, help her over come her insecurities.  It took years of work, but she is amazingly more confident today.  And her appreciation is shown back to meet my needs.

  5. communication and really good s*x!  

  6. Don't rush into it, and when you are ready go to pre-marital counseling.  

  7. OPEN & HONEST COMMUNICATION (if i could underline this i would!) oh yeah, and good s*x!

  8. Being patient and accepting of each other, for one. Working together instead of trying to change each other.

  9. Good s*x is a good start, but will not sustain a marriage. Each person has to focus on what they can do to make the marriage better not on what their partner needs to change. Then learning how two people can, without using each other as an extension of their individual needs, enrich each other's lives.

  10. Serving each other.  Putting the other before yourself.  Open communication.  Pick your battles.

  11. Keep up the regular s*x, and have a DATE NIGHT to ensure that you spend quality time together outside the home...

  12. It's not so much we, but you! If he wants a beer...get him one, if he wants to watch the game...let him. Don't nag or bother him with girly problems. Don't burn his meals. When he says it's bed time...go. Follow these simple tips and things will be great!  Hope I helped!

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