
What can a former thief and crack head do to help out his community?

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What can a former thief and crack head do to help out his community?




  1. Stay clean man.

    Respect is a much higher high.

    As for thieving, do your best not to, Guilt is a strong deterrent to work with.

    Try to do to others, the things that you would like done for you.

    What goes around comes around.

  2. Stay out of jail and don;t waste taxpayers money on your bulls**t anymore.

  3. talk about your bad experiences in front of at risk youth.

  4. die?

  5. Do your best to prevent others from making the same mistakes.

  6. Clean up trash

  7. Stay a former thief and crack head! Educate others how drugs can effect you physically and mentally. Stay focused!

  8. Congratulations on getting clean and turning your life around!  You have the wisdom of experience which is a valuable asset. You can volunteer your time to speak at conferences, seminars, workshops or to groups of school children or at-risk youth at alternative, continuation schools or juvenile probation centers about the consequences of bad choices and how you will pay for them down the road.  You can encourage them to stay in school and plan for their future without finding ways to cut corners making fast bucks.  Maybe an employment possibility in corrections may emerge from your efforts. God Speed to you!!

  9. go to a school and tell kids why its bad to do crack and steal......and then go take their lunch money and spend it on weed

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