
What can a governor accomplish in their first 100 days?

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Richardson- passed a major initiative to take money from the general fund to fund projects, started work on commuter rail in Albuquerque, added gender identity as a civil right category, cut taxes, met with North Korea to discuss stopping enrichment of nuclear materials, passed a concealed weapons law. And secured life insurance for any New Mexico guards person stationed in Iraq or Afghanistan. And all this in his first half term as governor?

Pawlenty- balanced the budget in deficit years, changed transportation in Minneapolis to releave congestion, raised ethanol standards. However, he failed to get passed his education proposals. Still pretty good.

Freudenthal- Let's go to a smaller state. Created a huge budget surplus that he is saving (good idea!), Not only increased renewable energy use but also the ability to get that energy to market, increased teacher salaries. This was all in his first half-term as governor.


Palin- cancelled the bridge to nowhere that had already been cancelled by the feds, took in a budget surplus (good job), and fired a bunch of people. Oh and she changed the contract on a natural gas pipeline.

Seems a little like she isn't doing much with her executive experience,

I like the Palin pick for McCain, but can anyone tell me why she stands above other governors?

I honestly want to know why she is good. Tell me and I'll hook you up with best answer.




  1. "and fired a bunch of people."

    Right there!


    Alaska is a predominantly Republican state, this means, that the people she fired.


    In her own party!

    Have Bill Richardson, Tim Pawlenty (Great Governor Reppin MN), or Freudenthal done any of that?

    I know Pawlenty hasn't and I can almost assure you Richardson hasn't. (I don't know much on Freudenthal tbh)

    People want change in Washington, they want something new.

    Sarah Palin represents that change, she doesn't care if your Democrat,Independent, or Republican, she cleaned up the corruption that was in Alaska.

    She also is one of the few people to have actually taken action against oil companies.

    She taxed them, and gave each person in Alaska a 1200$ tax rebate check.

    Do that on a national scale and you got my vote.

    But, the main thing is, the corruption that she has fought.

    I don't think any other governor, senator, or representative. Can say that they have tried to clean out corruption in the government, within their own party.

    and what Bill Richardson did was, he might've given all this stuff but, he spends spends spends, and where does the money come from?

    You you you.

    and Alaska's economy wasn't too great when Frank Murkowski was in office, he was often criticized for not sticking to his no new taxes policy which he had to break because of the deficit he was incurring.

    Sarah Palin is a hardline conservative that didn't need more taxes to keep a state running by spending more.

    Which is exactly what the country needs, continued low taxes, low spending to recover the budget, and economic revival.

    Let McCain deal with foreign policy.

  2. Palin is a mayor who is not ready to be vp or president if something ever happen to McCain .There are many question that need to be answer about the Mayor from Alaska Palin .We know Gov. Sarah Palin has some baggage that makes her a pretty risky choice for McCain: she's embroiled in an abuse of power investigation, was for the infamous "bridge to nowhere" before she lied about being against it, is pretty cozy with corrupt Alaskan Senator Ted Stevens, doesn't exactly know what the vice president's job actually is, etc., etc.Palin is not ready to be president .

    OBAMA BIDEN 2008

  3. Palin- cancelled the bridge to nowhere that had already been cancelled by the feds, took in a budget surplus (good job), and fired a bunch of people. Oh and she changed the contract on a natural gas pipeline>>

    She canceled that Bridge when Congress put the stops to it. She was all for it till the state had to pay for it. She 'changed the contract' on the pipeline by selling it to Canada. As mayor, she left her little town with historic debt.

    Please do more research on indep sites. This gal is say one thing but do another.  

  4. I think he picked her for her values and staunch conservative stances. He will gather in two kinds of people: Disgruntled Republicans and women with the pick of Palin.

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