
What can a juvenile be charged with if suspected of lying to the police?

by  |  earlier

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In the United States.

I've asked this question before, but I'm not quite getting the answers I'm looking for since I believe I'm not being clear enough. The specific question is, what if the police suspect a juvenile (teenager) is lying in a missing person's case? If it's obvious by his body language that he knows more than he's saying? Can the police not detain him at the police station or a juvenile facility and question him there, and, if necessary, keep him there for up to 24 hours? Thank you.




  1. I'm pretty sure that they could detain him for questioning. But he should ask for counsel to be present before the questioning started. At the very least his parents should be notified as to where their son is and why.

    Any information garnered from him without the oversight of counsel would be suspect. Lets face it there are many stories out there of cops getting information from youth, that latter turns out to be nothing but what the cops wanted them to say.

  2. Aside from potential community service, you may be charged with perjury and making false reports.

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