
What can a man do if he's a victim of domestic violence?

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Ok, I never been in a abusive relationship and have been single my whole life.

But anyway, what can men do if they're victims of domestic violence? Exclude the police because the law enforcment is sexist.




  1. Hit her, leave her and then call the police.

  2. I think that if a man is in a domestic violence relationship, the same thing applies to him as it does a female. keep your hand to yourself. if matters gets worse then you have that right to call on law enforcements as well. the same rights a female has also should be applied to a male.

  3. calling the police before she does.. even if u dont want to call the way for u not to get locked up

  4. Leave the woman who has been abusing him.

  5. Stop with the police are sexist.  If you are assaulted have her arrested.  Think about ending the relationship.

  6. Good question. In the UK there are no shelters specifically for men in this situation, though hundreds for women. There is not even a phone line for men to call. Often men will 'put up and shut up' or leave the home and live on a friend's sofa or in their car. Men get no sympathy and expect none, because being beaten by a woman is still considered shameful or even a joke.

  7. Change the locks.

  8. He can deal with it and do absolutely nothing because no one will believe him.

  9. Leave the abusive situation.

  10. Aside from calling the police nothing, except telling her not to hit you or you'll hit back or using body language to suggest it I guess.  Or just leaving her that is probably the best way.

  11. Not all law enforcement is sexist but this may identify a reason for men to fight for some equality as well.  We should be able to call law enforcement to assist us if our partner is abusing us.  However I have to say I didn't know cops were sexist.

  12. I would suggest the same as I would for a woman in that situation - reclaim yourself and leave the relationship.  No good can come of it.

    As for reporting....sadly, yes, it would be a lesson in futility...THERE'S equality for ya!

  13. Well even with woman, they have to have proof of the domestic violence.

    So the man should tell either a close family member/relative, or friend, and then  have that person call the police.

    If it's reported from the person who IS getting abused, they will need proof, and won't just believe what you say.

  14. He should leave ASAP. If she ever goes after him then he has a right to defend himself.

  15. The same that women can do if she's a victim of domestic violence, excluding the police and physically defending yourself:

    - Document and photograph every single instance of violence. Write down precisely what was said and done, to the date, time, and location, as best you can remember. Keep copies at a friend's house.

    - Carry a weapon, know how to use it, and don't be afraid to if necessary.

    - Do your best to get out of the relationship with all your possessions. Begin moving your stuff to a friend's house.

    - Change your phone number and address if possible.

    This does require quite a bit of support from a close friend, but I'd at least advise informing the police (even if you might get laughed at). If you don't want to get arrested, wait until a fight is over, and ask for a restraining order. If they do nothing about it and it gets worse, you can file a complaint with the department about not taking you seriously, and you might even get lucky.

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