
What can a old man do to get it up/?

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What can a old man do to get it up/?




  1. why does he need to get it up for ? anyway it is called viagra and i know you know that .  

  2. A young woman, and some pot

  3. Sometimes, Ed, it's a lost cause.  That's when we geezers begin to realize that it really is true that you don't have to have a big pole in order to please your lady.  There ARE other paths to mutually satisfying intimacy!

  4. get rid of the old hag

  5. viagra  

  6. What ? ? ? well star working out and go to the doctor's for christ sake  

  7. Viagra, Levitra

    Also, there are a lot of herbal supplements out there.  Might want to try some of those.

  8. First and most important see your primary care doctor to have him or her run a few blood tests to rule out anything serious, then tell this person about your problem and they can prescribe you something for it. But don't just take something without consulting your doc for bloodwork, because there could be medical issues asto why you can't get it up.  

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