
What can a parent do to discourage his 7 yrs. son to stop masturbating?

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When he sits and watches tv or becomes bored he touches himself unconsciencely and then runs to his room after becoming aroused.




  1. find his son a sweet girlfriend

  2. Just tell him that it is ok to touch himself there but only in private. Tell him that it is very rude and inaproperiate to do it where anyone else could see, just like going to the bathroom.

  3. When you see him masturbating tell him he can touch himself in his bedroom. Make sure he has tissues and a trash can in his room and have him take his trash to the outside trash cans. Masturbating is very normal my husband says 95% of men masturbates and the other 5% lie   hehe :)

  4. Don't discourage him and tell him to stop overall. Just tell him not to do it in public, and do it in privacy. If he doesn't know then he may start doing it in school!

  5. So what?  It's his body, his p***s, leave him alone.  At least he does it in the privacy of his bedroom.

    Children can m********e from the day they're born (there is ultrasound evidence that they can do it in vitro!).

    It's normal, natural and harmless.  Deliberately interfering with it can be hazardous, however, and have later consequences.  

    Having said all that, can't you just encourage him to go outside and play and get some fresh air and exercise without mentioning anything about masturbating?  Kids that age don't actually have a s*x drive, and they have short attention spans and so are easily distracted.  His becoming a couch potato has more dire consequences than his simply masturbating.  THAT's the issue that needs to be addressed.

  6. just talk to him about it, don't condemn him or make him feel bad about it but talk to him about it.Let him know that he is still loved by you, because some kids feel like they did something wrong and may feel like you don't love them or stopped loving them when they realized that you know what is going on with them, so try your best to talk to him about it the best way you can.Good luck!

  7. I would tell him that it something he can do in the privacy of his own room.  Every kid plays with their privates, they just need to know that it's not appropriate alot of the time.

  8. everyone thinks masturbation is some horrible thing? Every single man i have ever met has clearly and comfortably admitted to's a normal thing that boys do. You cannot make him stop all you can do is talk to him and explain that there are certain things that people do in private.

  9. I dont Know!!! I have 4 sons and they dont do that, my 9 year old holds it but if one of them was doing it Id wonder why?

  10. My five yr old is doing the same try to ignore the situation but also let him know only to do it in his home.

    I went on loads of websites and it is quiet normal for all boys to do this up to their teens.

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