
What can a student bring to exchange family in Costa Rica?

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16 yr old son spending a few weeks in a Costa Rican home. What kind of small gift can he bring the host family? The group he goes with only suggested "small" gift. Any ideas are welcome!





  1. For ladies in the family, bring some Victoria Secrets' body lotions.  I brought some for my host, and they went crazy........  Apparently, it is very popular but expensive over there.

    American chocolates (like See's) were also well received there too.

  2. Well, although it may say "small gift"remember that this family will be your son's family for a few weeks and they will treat your son as one of their one. So as a token of your appreciation you can send some nice, small things together with a letter ot thanks you note, from mother to mother, thanking her for taking good care of your son.

    Coffee table books are always appreciated, specially if they are from your state, or show something about your history, local flora and fauna, etc. If there's a dad or boys in the house, nice Tshirts with a sport logo, etc. Things from your homeland, things which mean something to you. For the mum something nice like a perfume or body lotion, and then I would suggest sending some smaller gifts which your son could give to any friend he makes while living in Costa Rica. Like baseball caps, or other tshirst, or some nice cd's, anything for 16 years old. You never know how many friends your son will make while there so better be prepared and have something. Maybe some sweets, boxes of chocolates, anything small.

    Costa Rica is not a forsaken country in the middle of the jungle so no towels are needed! And by the way, there are Victoria Secret products down there!!!!

  3. Well a nice gift would be something that represents your culture, and well that victoria secrets cream isnt a bad idea either.

  4. Buy (or make) something that shows your own culture, and one that shows Costa Rica culture... I think they will like the nice gest.

    Take care.

  5. A small rememberance of something from your state etc. Also bring some bath towels to use while you are here and then give them away...they are expensive here.

  6. Hi-

    I had this same situation in the year 2000 when I was an exchange student in Guanacaste.  Here is a list of things I brought to Costa Rica that the families very much enjoyed.  

    -T-shirts or hats from my local sports team for the children.  (obviously it helps if you know the approx. ages of the people in the host family.)

    -A book of photos from your home State.  This way they become familiar with your surroundings and see "where you came from."  

    -Something of local flavor from your home state.

    -A photo of your family so they can see that they are of importance to your son.

    -A calendar from your home state.  I'm from Minnesota, and when I brought a calendar that had photos of the seasons in Minnesota, my family thought it was beautiful.

  7. I would bring the family a disposable camera, so they can take pictures of your sons visit with them and cherish the memories for a lifetime.

  8. I agree with someone above that said victoria secret or maybe bath and body works... I think the mom of the household would appreciate that.

    Costa Rican's live a simple life... I think they would appreciate many of the normal things available here in the USA. The woman are beautiful, they like to make themselves look nice, but there is not a lot available there... especially if you are going way out into the boonies.... which is pretty easy to do in CR.

    On one of my vacations there I gave local kids some stickers, a few balls, a few coloring books with crayons and they loved it. If the host family has small children, and they dont have those things, they might appreciate that as well.

    Honestly... I am not sure that costa rican's care too much about American culture....I think CR is becoming more Americanized then the people there like.

  9. post cards or something from the dollar store... anything they would appreciate

  10. Families that are  used to have exchange students in their homes don't expect any gifts from you when you arrive, but....when you leave you should bring in advance a  "thank you"  letter ,it is a very nice detail from you to them. But if you really want to give them something, bring something for all the family to share, chocolates are all ways well received. Take them out of their package and put them in a nice gift bag. Have a nice trip ...hope you enjoy staying in Costa Rica.

  11. Maybe one of those key hanger souvenirs from your state.

    Or a nice coffee maker, because they love coffee.

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