
What can a teacher expect academically from a child who has Mild Mental Retardation?

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When a Mildly Mentally Retarded student leaves high school (through diploma, cert., or by "aging out") what is the average proficency of math/reading in terms of grade level or age? For example, does someone with MILD mental retardation usually finish secondary schooling with 4th, 6th or maybe 8th grade abilities? Or by what age? Do these students usually finish high school with academic capabilities similair to a particular age range? (*Please reply regarding only mild forms of mental retardation.)

I appreciate any information you may have!




  1. Its hard to say hun.  As was stated by another, it is very individual!  But if they are MR, even "mildly", I wouldnt suspect that their grade level abilities would even be that high.

  2. the child with mental retardation may be expected to perform lower than their peers academically since their intellectual capacity may be expected to be less than average. they may even finish high school but they will not exactly rank within the 50% rank in class standing.

    these children may not exactly be pilots,lawyers,doctors,architects,etc where professions require high analytical skills when they grow older.

    however, they can be expected to perform best where routines are done. it is a given that if they perform well within their expected routines, any slight aberrations from the routine will be easily noticed as they seem to pay attention to fine details on things they know. for example, a person good in routine work can do well in an assembly line. any product that doesn't meet the quality control, he can easily tell(and they are sticklers to routines,too).

    if the child shows promising abilities that lean toward technical skills, by all means, allow them to attend a technical high school. if he shows extra ordinary abilities in the arts(performing or visual), why not,too?

    the important thing is, where does his strengths lie, and where will he be happy.

  3. THis is an interesting question and I cannot wait to see the answers from the Proffessionals!

  4. Varying abilities abound within students with mild mental retardation.  Students within this range often have what we call "splinter skills."  Meaning that they may know how to solve a subtraction problem, but would never be able to recognize 1/2 of a pie, etc.   The same goes for reading.  I've had some really fantastic, fluent readers, but couldn't tell you if there was a girl in the story they just read.  

    In university level classes, I remember hearing that the ceiling or maximum to expect is around the 6th grade level.   I would expect that most graduate or otherwise exit school in the 2nd to 4th grade range.  

    However, sixth grade attainment would require excellent teaching from the preschool years to high school with parental support.  Very, very rare to have that combination of supportive in most homes.   Mild mental retardation is often (certainly not always)caused by environmental factors, while other factors are most cited at moderate, severe and profound levels.

  5. this is addressed on a case by case basis via an IEP

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