
What can an eleven year old do for money?

by  |  earlier

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not helping yet srry




  1. Household Chores

    Picking trash from people's lawns

  2. do chores or babysit while you arethere but dont help

  3. Do chores for your parents, if there is an older couple in the neighborhood help them in with their groceries.

  4. Chores.

  5. BABYSIT!!!

  6. umm wel u can get a paper route when ur 12 soo wait awhile!thats wat i did!!

  7. mow grass, tend the garden,help out around the house, babysit pets for people, wash the car,sell lemonade

  8. Mow grass, shovel snow, weed gardens.. At 11 the only things you can really do is tedious manual labor. :(

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