
What can anyone tell me?

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about wind power and powering your home with such a device

and where would i find one i need prices pay back period etc. help please




  1. first you would need a means to store the electricity that is generated by the wind for calm periods,also you would need to know how much power you would need on a day to day basis also it is hard to go buy just one source you would need to look into solar cells as well just to maintain a minimum supply to the batteries to keep them charged

  2. Do you live far away from the grid, have a way to store energy and pay at least 100% more than normal people for your electricity? NO?

    Then with the correction for inflation there might not even be a pay back for such a small device (the payback period would exceed the 20 years of lifetime).

    Economies of scale make that the price of the larger turbines is unbeatable by small ones. I rather suggest you to use your money to invest in a "green fund" instead.

  3. With some cheap Chinese made wind machines in the 20 kw capacity range, if you have a number of users willing to go together they can pay off in about 11 years if your average wind speed is 20 km/h in winter, and 14 km/h in summer, based on a per kWh cost delivered to your home of 16 cents.

    This assumes that you will use a large tank of water to store heat for use when the wind is low, rather than use batteries to store it.

    It also assumes that you will have much higher wind speed in winter, a fairly frequent situation.

    Because wind speeds are much higher high in the air, it also assumes that you spend the cost to have a guyed tower with the turbine centred at least 40 metres off the ground unless you have a site exposed to broad expanses of water or very flat land.

  4. Contact your local eletric company for payback rates

    Here is the link for wind power.

  5. You can make your own quite cheaply using magnets,  wires, resin, and a homemade tower and fan. Watch American Invention on tv or look up the website  for details.

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