
What can be deduced from the relative age of organ showing the first sign of deficiency for a given nutrient?

by Guest32368  |  earlier

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What can be deduced from the relative age of organ showing the first sign of deficiency for a given nutrient?




  1. Following examples should help - different nutrients show different mobilities - eg. calcium not so mobile so a calcium deficiency is seen in younger parts. Magnesium is more mobile and deficiencies are seen in older parts.

    Iron deficiency is when the plant leaves are turning yellow between veins. Leaves may potentially die from edges to inward. The NEW leaves show symptoms first. If the deficiency continues, it will spread to the veins, leaves and then the plant dies.

    Phosphorus deficient plants are short in stature.Flowering Ceases. Foliage possibly turns dark green with some tint of purple. This appears on OLDER leaves before the new growth. Leaves eventually turn brown, drop early, and die.

    Nitrogen- Plants have pale yellow leaves possibly with brown on the edges. Growth is hindered and in the worst cases is quite puny. OLDER leaves are affected first since plants pass on nitrogen to the new growth (leaves).

    Calcium deficiency is seen first in the active parts of the plant which is the YOUNGEST part, or leaves and tips of stems and roots. Leaves look twisted, deformed, and sometimes with a hook like effect. New growth, seedlings, and roots die. Fruits like the tomato get the blossom-end rot.

    Sulfur- Whole plant appears yellow with the YOUNGER leaves showing it first. Veins have lighter coloring with a possibility of dead spots. Plant may act like it is reaching for the sun light with a stunted and thinned growth appearance.

    Magnesium- The OLDER leaves show signs first with an appearance of yellow leaves with green veins. The yellow areas may get white spots, leaves thin, fragile with a bronze to purple look. Yellow areas have the potential of dying quickly.

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