
What can be done about a parent that keeps asking for more and more?

by Guest45107  |  earlier

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The mother pays the court ordered child support and has never once missed a payment of course the father is being a jack *** and is claiming that not one cent has ever been paid.

Mother can easily prove it as it is paid through the state.

Mother fulfills all the legal obligations as far as the court is concerned each and every month and then some.

Father asks for more and more in addition to the court ordered support

if the mother does not give in the father threatens the mother with abuse or refuses to let mother have contact with child.

Father does pay rent on the apartment he and the child live in and does buy food but when you break it down the mother does pay significantly more $$ father has stated that he thinks mother should have to pay everything 100% even his personal expenses.

Is there anything that can be done to this person?




  1. Nope.

    That is the way Child Support works.

    Doesn't matter if it is the mother or father.

    It is the Child that the courts look at.

  2. Persuade your mother to report this abuse to the police station.You cannot do any thing directly in these matters.Don't tell your father you told your problem in the internet.And good luck.

  3. Go live with the mother. Simple she ovbiously loves "the child" and "the child" should go live with the mother. Let his see what it feels like to have to pay. Hope i helped at all.

  4. the child support is for the child, not the father. Go back to court and establish that- you only have to pay what the court says you have to pay. The mother should also rethink her priorities. If the father is threatening the mother for more money, he's probably threatening the kids as well. You should also go the police or mention it back at court that you are being threatened by him.  

  5. First, if the mother has in fact been paying, she has nothing to worry about.

    Second, it is illegal for him to withdraw visitation on his own accord, unless its court ordered.

    Third, the mother can take him back to fact either mother or father can go back to court at any time to have visitation and child support amended. Life changes, so does child custody. Keep all records, note all phone conversations...can't record phone calls unless he is being told they are recorded. The more proof someone has to show the courts the more they will favor that person.

  6. The mother needs to find a away to make a record of the conversation with the father and take them to the authorities. . .FAST!!!!!!!! She should record her phone conversations with the father and keep any paper trail he is dumb enough to keep. . .

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