
What can be done about amateur boxing scoring?

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This is not sour grapes. I thought Zhang Xiaoping was the better boxer in the fight with Kenny Egan.

My problem with it all is that his win will be forever tainted by the ridiculous scoring. That's ridiculous in the dictionary definition of 'inviting or susceptible to ridicule'.




  1. First take off the head gear. This is boxing not dancing. Second do away with the fact that the combatants know what score they have through the fight. Would stop the fourth round running. Third start counting body punches. If a boxer is going to cover up for four rounds how can anyone ever score? Fourth. Consistently give warnings to boxers. There was a low blow in one fight that the kid got warned and the blow counted! Watching the French kid get ripped off was painful in the last round.

    Finally. 10 point must system. The scoring in the Olympics has been chronicled enough not to state the obvious. It's ridiculous that a boxer can only score 3 points for example in a 4 round contest unless they are simply running around. The scoring as it stands now isn't rewarding a fighter for quality of blows just hits, IF they're seen.

    There was so many problems with all the matches I can't see how you can say how anyone is deserving of any match. Personally since all the fights were taped how about reviewing the fight for inconsistency and if possible either re-box the match or re-score it.


  3. First thing we need to do is get qualified judges to score the fights fairly .The rounds should not be more or less than 3 minutes rounds head gear is optional and you can hit with any part of the glove and a knock down should count for 3 points, 4 judges scoring the fights and in international fights none of the judges should be from either of the fighters country. I know this sounds simple but this is all it would take to clean up this mess. 10 point must for the winner

  4. Unfortunately, scoring is a popularity contest, the judges appointed by commercial interests so that their guy wins and there seems little anyone can do about it.

  5. You have got to the crux of the matter by defining ridiculous -- "susceptible to ridicule"

    Problem with Olympic scoring is that 3 judges most press the scoring button within one second of each other for a score to count. It's all electronic without a paper trail. If a judge doesn't want someone to do well all he has to do is delay giving the point by 2 seconds or not give it at all.

    The scoring system needs to be on paper so that judges can be held to account. After the fight you can view their full score card.

    The present system is open to ridicule because there is not enough transparency in the voting system.

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