
What can be done about mosquitos, spiders and other insects that get into our rural home?

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We use sonic devices to repel mice...but what steps can be taken to safely repel or kill mosquitoes, spiders, scorpions, ants, flies and such that sometimes venture into our home despite our precautions?




  1. if you live close to a feed store ask them  iu use a product called repel for flies its for horse barns but it works i live in the country so i know it works

  2. I am no pest control expert but here a few sites which can be helpful in controlling them in a natural way -

    Here are some home remedies if you get bitten by bugs -

  3. I live in rural Australia. I share my house with several species of animal including all those you mention plus antechinus, microbats, swallows, tree frogs and pythons. If you don't like creatures move into a city where you will find they have all been shot, poisoned, trapped or repelled. And you will be able to enjoy a clean, pest free existence, in a hygenic little box.

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