
What can be done about my cat only drinking from taps?

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Hi, my Maine Coon, Demo, who will be 2 this November, only wants fresh water directly from the taps. This causes me to stand at the sink until he's got his fill of water.

Does anything think those watercooler-esque water bowls will work on him? Or do you have any other suggestions on fixing this problem? I'm afraid of him becoming dehydrated, since I'm not always there to turn the tap on for him! And he's never desperate enough to drink the water I leave out for him.




  1. Sorry, there's not much you can do about it. Ours do that as well, although they have grown out of it a bit (they're 3 now) - it's more a treat than a necessity! Does your cat go outside? What happens with ours is they drink fresh tapwater and make a big fuss about it, and then they go out and drink from puddles... Cats are fussy.

  2. water fountains can be a good solution to this.  It certainly won't hurt to give them a try.  Just be sure to learn the return policy so if it doesn't work out you won't be out the money and stuck with a fountain.

  3. a fountain will work or you can leave the tap trickle when you are away even if you don't he shouldn't go thirsty, he'll eventually drink from his dish

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