
What can be done about noisey neighbour's?

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What can be done about noisey neighbour's?




  1. visit the neighbours from h**l forum for advice neighbours from h**l forum

  2. yeah, try talking to them first,then failing that call the council or whichever housing association.Or give em a taste of their own medicine,preferably when they've quietend down.

  3. Buy a c.d. of bagpipes or one of those Scottish bands and play them at odd hours.  You could also start to learn a musical instrument like the trumpet, Sax or drums.

  4. Try and talk to them and let them know how much it is bothering you.  If things son't get better let them know that you will calling the police.

  5. If you live an apartment building, a written complaint to the property management office may be of some assistance.  If you live in a house, the police should be called in to enforce the noise by-laws of your town/city.

  6. try talk to them explain or if not working report them to the police there will recieve a warning

  7. i dont think anything can be done unles they are trespasing! we have awful neighbours who are constantly gossip - it can really make you miserable!

  8. it's best to speak to your local council...

    i do sympathise with you sir, it is very disturbing... but the council will deal with it...

  9. If a peaceful conversation doesn't work then report to the local police.

  10. go nest door and tell them to keep it down and if there not gonna tell the cops they will qowite them down

  11. Try to be diplomatic and talk to them , if it doesn't work involve the authorities...

  12. Many places have decent laws on noise pollution. There's a Parliament Act (can't remember what it's called) which deals with issues like this and may apply and there may also be bylaws in your area. Get in touch with your local council to see exactly what their stance is and if you have a case.

  13. See your local council

  14. A baseball bat should do the trick

  15. moving, confrontation and murder are probably about your only options.

  16. Talk to them

  17. My neighbours are really nosey, they keep asking me who ARE these older women who come a-callin' so often.

  18. Report them to your council.

    Telephone the Police

    Talk to them

    p**s them off back

  19. Most people are rather reasonable. If you go up to them (in a non-confrontational way) and say politely "look, folks I understand you're just trying to have a good time, but.... (fill in grievance here)."

    If you kill them with kindness, they really have to reason to react harshly. Most people will then tone it down.

    If it persists, just call the police.

  20. Dont let them get to you,  at end of day they will be the losers,hope you are ok,

  21. talk to them

    call police

    pr my fav. p**s them off

  22. Bear your time and you will get your own back

  23. Tell them you will sue if they don't stop. Or tell them to p**s of.

  24. Your local council will have noise abatement officers, you can contact them and they will visit them and serve them with an asbo and they can involve the Police who can sort them out at a moments notice once the asbo has been issued. But my favourite is to send Pizza, Chinese and Funeral Directors at ungodly hours to them. Or buy cockroaches from your friendly pet shop and put them through their letterbox, open a beer and enjoy!!

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