
What can be done about the baby shortage to help couples wanting to adopt infants?

by Guest57713  |  earlier

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  1. Yes they have the right to want infants, that does not mean they are going to get them.  I suggest if that is so important then they hire surrogates.  Otherwise if raising a child is important there are plenty of adoptable children in foster care.

  2. Nothing.

    There are plenty of children to adopt. But people want a three month old, and to let the five year olds rot in the orphanages.

    Frankly, I'm more concerned about the five year old (and ten yr old, and fifteen yr old) than I am about the thirty-somethings who want the perfect blue-eyed blond infant to validate them. They are adults, they'll be all right.

    Or they could just get over their pathetic whining and narcissism and adopt someone that doesn't have a chance, otherwise.

    There are way more kids that need to be adopted than there are couples who want to adopt. Those couples just find those kids unacceptable, because of their own vanity.

  3. More women choosing adoption over abortion.

  4. I understand that people want a newborn "Perfect" Child and yes there is a shortage of those, however, there are millions of unwanted children in the custody of DSS.  No it may not be permanent (in our case it was we have had our daughter for over 6 years she was 9 mo. when we brought her home) but if you want to be a parent for the right reasons which are to give love and make the world a better place by teaching your children right from wrong.  

    If you are opposed to this type of parenting, Sorry... It has work well for us we have 3 beautiful children 1 through DSS and 2 natural and we are in the process of getting more through Foster care, just giving you something to think about.  

    Most people are unaware that there are MANY newborns in the system!  

  5. Shortage? I thought we were getting plenty of babies from China and Ethopia?

  6. Stop abortion and start putting the unwanted babies up for adoption

  7. Older kids, kids with medical/emotional problems and disabled kids are "damaged goods" whom nobody wants.  

    Sometimes you just can't get "pick of the litter".

  8. There is no baby shortage- there are plenty of African American and Hispanic infants who are waiting to be adopted, and thousands of slightly older children of all races.

    If anything, there is a giant surplus of children for adoption.

  9. There is no shortage whatsoever of children who need parents to adopt them and love them.  But, that's not what some parents actually want to adopt a child for.  It's more self-serving than that.  You know how some children who have been kidnapped for years are then reunited with their parents?  Have you ever heard of a parent crinkling their nose up at taking those children back just because they've been elsewhere in the hands of others for a couple of years?  That's what I always think about whenever I hear a couple say they don't want to adopt or love a child who is two or three years old or older.  Don't those children need the most love, I mean, if a parent plans on being in the relationship to love a child rather than have a "blank canvass" to use to imprint his or her "vision" onto as with a "fresh unused" baby?

  10. The only way I can see it is to tell more single white women to give their babies up for adoption instead of keeping them. That's where the shortage is. There are plenty of babies available for adoption but very few people want them because they are black, racially mixed, handicapped, or seriously ill.

  11. There is no baby shortage. There is a shortage of perfect, 100 percent healthy white newborn infants.

    There are PLENTY of children who need homes. But they may not look like they belong on the cover of Parenting magazine. People who want to adopt need to start looking at ALL the children who need parents: the mixed-race, the slightly funny looking, the imperfect, the handicapped, the children with health challenges, the older babies and toddlers, or even young children.

    Edit: An infant is generally any child under one year.

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