
What can be done about wildlife habitats being destroyed, Causing cougars to stalk people's homes?

by Guest57676  |  earlier

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Loggers have been logging in the head of the hollow for several months. The mountains are destroyed and cougars are coming very close to homes on our road. Three large cougars was outside of our house, in front of our porch gate at five o'clock the other morning, they started screaming and the sound was terrifying. Who can we contact about their habitat being destroyed?also, they have backed water up and filled the creek so full of rock that the creek is almost dry all the time now. if there was a house fire in our hollow, there is no water to put it out.




  1. Get in contact with your local government: city council, the congressman of your district, etc.  Go to town meetings and such and share your views on habitat destruction.  This is basically happening everywhere, and wild animals are being pushed into neighborhoods all the time.  Also, see if you have a  natural resource conservation district in your area and see if you might be able to find help there, or volunteer to help them protect land.  

  2. In my area it is development which is destroying the habitat and hunting grounds for bobcats, coyotes and mountain lions.  We see them regularly down at our creek because most of the other water supplies they had have dried up due to drought.  The creek is a riparian habitat and the property owners along it are required to maintain it for both native plant species and wildlife, but often neglect to do so.  In my are, Fish and Game is who we contact when we have habitat issues.  We are in Southern California and surrounded by a conservancy over which they have jurisdiction.  We are fortunate to have a wildlife preserve close by and they often relocate wildlife there.  Check to see whether you have Fish and Game in your area.

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