
What can be done by the government to increase employment in the tertiary sector- INDIA?

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why employment is less in the tertiary sector ? how can the GOVT help in improving the employment ratio of employment?




  1. 1. Govt. can really do nothing effectively and will mess up in trying to do so as it has happened over the years. Ruling political parties gave jobs to their supporters in the govt. departments, created fresh employment in the sick industries by nationalising them in the name of public interest and industrial rehabilitation, creating new regulatory bodies one after another to give jobs. These methods are a total failure - creating mostly a great burden of unproduvtive, lazy, corrupt and inefficient surplus work force who have to be paid salaries every month with little or no benefit to the economy.

    What the Govt. needs to do and will certainly not do is to further lift controls and abolish all leiecence- permit raj systems that still pervades Indian infrastructure, international trade, construction, retail services, education, sports, culture etc by removing all ministers and departments connected to these areas.

    Employment growth is the highest in the tertiary sector that includes all services including banking, construction, govt. services, education, health, trade and commerce,telecommonications, transport, ports etc. By not allowing consolidation of fragmented lands in agriculture, the Indian politicians are ensuring that agricultural labor force remains large and poor so that they can use this vote bank. We have a large agricultural labor surplus: we could produce more food and agricultural crops with much fewer people than today. If we do that we can create far more emplyment in tertiary and services sector than the loss of jobs in small scale agricultural farming that we practice today.

    If you think rationally and look at what has happened to advanced countries in different parts of the World, you will get the ideas: but stop listening to Indian politicians and their chamcha economists.

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