
What can be done for the safe future of Mentally Retarded kids ?

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What can be done for the safe future of Mentally Retarded kids ?




  1. The best thing we can do is spread the feelings of acceptance and understanding amongst the non retarded people.  Understand that often they can still function and hold a job, maybe it is a job at McDonald's or WalMart but something that contributes to their own living and the community.  This is why mainstreaming these kids in regular schools, and when appropriate regular classes, is important.  If kids are exposed to MR kids at a young age, then acceptance is more likely.

    Sheryl (special ed teacher)

  2. Help me me independent. Take care of myself. Cook. Do laundry. Go shopping. Teach me safe s*x. Give me cell phone. Don't treat me like a baby. Have friends - lots of friends. My own friends. I make mistakes - its OK. I try again. I can do it. Freedom for me.

  3. Education and inclusion are key.  We need to teach people of all ages that people who have developmental challenges are first and foremost people....the challenges come after that fact.  We need to promote understanding and tollerence...then acceptance will come, followed by citizenship for our most vulnerable people.  It's their turn.  Society has been cruel to anyone who seems different.  Change starts with individual people standing up for those who have trouble speaking for themselves.

  4. Teach them everything possible. Little bits of everything. Let them take risks and learn how to cope with failure. Let them do things independently whenever possible - if it take twice as long - OK. If it is done half as well  - ok. The more often they do it the better they will get. Never believe when anyone says your kids can't - they only think they can't and  unless you tell the kids they just might do it.

  5. To have some enforcement for public schools to follow the federal laws that mandate special education.

    There is no enforcement, so most kids don't get the help they need. And the school fights the parents because they dont' want to help.

    This contributes to the downfall of the special ed students' future. There are MANY studies that show most inmates in prisons are illiterate and have learning problems that were ingnored by school people.

    I do have to say that some kids who were not helped do not get in trouble when they are adults, but lots of them do.

    If they were helped by the school they would not have had the low self esteem and lack of knowledge that contributes to bad behaviors as an adult.

  6. In USA we have the Americans With Disabilities Act. This does offer lots of help but alas in my opinion much more is needed....As of late cutback have weakened the little bit they get.

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