
What can be done if you manager cusses at you?

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I work at burger king.. I know it's not the best job but it supports me & my little girl. Well last night at work I was running bread for another girl because she had none & she was behind in making her food.. well my manager comes back there (she is the assistant manager) but she comes back there and tells me to "Move the f*ck out the way" .. Omg I was so pissed off that I couldn't say anything back.. Well this is really just an example of how they are down there and the main store manager does nothing.. Is there anything I can do or just can be done??? I'm soooo d**n sick of this...Also before anybody even starts off saying I need to find another job... just know that's not a option for me at this time ... So I just need to know what to do about this job...thanks




  1. You can speak to the manager and explain calmly that you treat others with respect, and that you expect them to treat you with respect -- including not swearing at you. It may help, but since your manager does the same thing, it may not. If your location is owned by a larger franchisee, you can report them to HR at the main office. Again, that may or may not help.

    I know you said not to tell you to find another job, but when you can, there are many restaurants -- including fast food -- where this type of behavior from a manager would not be tolerated.  

  2. Try talking to the store manager and tell them that you are seriously bothered by this and you find it unprofessional.  If you have already tried this find a way to contact the district manager.  The slickest way to get a hold of this person if there is no contact list with this number is call the Burger King closest to the one you work at and ask them for the number or better yet the district managers e-mail address.  Leave them an e-mail with a brief discription of the problem and your contact information.  Explain that you tried to talk to your manager and they are not taking you seriously and the problem isn't being resolved.  Most likely the district manager will do something about this and if he/she doesn't then find out who their boss is and contact them.  If your manager doesn't resolve this problem don't threaten them by saying you are going to call their boss just do it.

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