
What can be done to change the poverty level in Egypt?

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Although Egypt is doing well in improving certain social and economic indicators and a recent report concluded that the country is potentially on track to meet the Millenium Development Goals, progress still needs to be made in many other areas.

in 1996, the wealthiest 20 percent of Egyptians controlled 39 percent of the country's wealth, while the poorest 20 percent controlled only 9.8 percent of wealth

15% of school age children in Egypt do not or can not attend school.

Population living below US$1 a day (%), 1990-2000=3.1%

Population living below US$2 a day (%), 1990-2000=43.9%

Population living below the national poverty line (%), 1999-2000 =16.7%


It's a wee bit out dated (2005) takes years to calculate figures

Recent estimates from the World Bank show that 23% of the population live below the poverty line with more than 12% of children under the age of 5 suffering from malnutrition.




  1. We must think of new projects that employ the unemployed and keep the economy in a healthy state.

  2. Education for women. Educating women lifts up the people faster. Also educated women tend to voluntarily have fewer children. Population control is also key to solving problems. Voluntary population control is best. So, availability of birth control. Abortion rights also.

  3. Host a reality tv show called "Pimp my crypt" where millionaires can pay to have their future resting places done up in style.  Ummm, what are the current burial laws in Egypt?

  4. education..and clean water supply. I hear that it costs about $2,000 US dollars to drill a well in an African country.

    Egypt is actually better off than most African countries.

    I wonder what the infant mortality rate is there.   In mozambique it is around 120 out of 1,000 children die b4 age Kenya 64 and other South African countries are about the same.  In the USA it is less than 6 out of 1000 .

    Most die from hunger, or diseases that can easily be prevented by clean drinking water or a mosquito net.

    drives me crazy to think about it...

  5. Firstly education is needed as Egypt has a large  illiterate population.

    An effective government is needed to manage the countries resources and look for other ways to generate revenue.

    Liberalisation is also a good idea liberal countries naturally tend to do better as the people are more open-minded and a more modern society can contribute more than a narrow-minded group of people.

  6. i had no idea the numbers were that great... how awful.

    its not fair some kids are born into that, and might never even have a life because of it....not fair at all.

    im bummed out now =/

  7. How to change the poverty level in Egypt?

    A wise,fair government capable of steering Egyptians to use their natural resources well.That's all we need.

  8. to make Egyptian public know that who steal go to h**l.

    cuz the lack of values and ethics is #1 responsible for poverty in egypt also education, make people know how education is a good thing.

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