
What can be done to clean the environment?

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What can be done to clean the environment?




  1. One of the simplest ways to at least begin is to stop buying disposable everything.  I don't buy coffee in the morning with disposable cups, I re-use my mug.  That alone would cut down on what goes into a landfill if more people did just that.  Not to mention all of the other things along those lines.  If people would just be more mindful of what they really need to use instead of being wasteful, just imagine how much less we would pollute and how much less garbage we would produce.

  2. Recycling and careful-usage of products.....

  3. We keep doing what we are now. Cars, power plants, etc...are producing less pollutants than ever in the western world.

    The problem lies in the developing world like China and India. Those countries are producing more pollutants than the US and Europe combined!

    Unfortunately the Kyoto treaty tries to punish nations that do not produce many pollutants while doing nothing to nations that do,

  4. Many things as above. My idea is to engage people and try and change their behaviour.

    Calculate and reduce your carbon footprint

    Decline plastic bags whenever possible

    Use energy saving lights

    Plant a tree

    Turn down the heating


    Fly less

    Carbon offset when you fly

    Save paper

    Save water

    Drive Less and Drive Smart

    Have a green wedding

    Switch off your PCs and TVs

    Donate to Friends of the Earth

    I've created a promise group on my website with videos for more information

  5. Bring your own cloth shopping bags to the store to cut down on the use of plastic bags.

  6. recycle, alternative energy sources, solar power, better car like a hybrid

  7. Recycle, use environmentally safe and organic products, recharge batteries instead of throwing them away.

  8. Start with cleaning up litter and graffiti. That is the biggest mess. Look at the junk along highways and blowing around on sidewalks and parks. It drives me nuts. I pick up litter whenever I see it.

  9. 1. recycle according to city lows and regulations

    2. stop polluting so much

    3. Use public transportation more

    4. Invest in a hybrid or low emissions car

    You should have asked in environment.

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