
What can be done to help save endangered fish stocks, particularly the ones that are on the dinner table?

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I feel that one of the outrages of the past decade, has been virtually nothing done to help these fishes like swordfish, most sharks, tuna, etc., which are quickly becoming extinct. No sustainable development at all by the Bush administration, no concrete attempt at getting international agreements that are enforceable, and some fish are at 1% of their number 2-3 decades ago. It's a crime against Earth. I love swordfish with lemon, butter, and some paprika, but you cannot have the fisherman w/ millions of hooks or trawling nets grabbing every fish out of the ocean, without the consequences being extinction. I wish I could help.




  1. Fire the President. He is lame as in Lame Duck Amendment.

  2. It's Time To Cut The Bait

    Nearly a billion people world wide depend on fish as there main supply of protein and there are a million more who live in costal communties which count on fishing for all or most of their incomes.The threat to the health and wellfare of these people is brought into sharp perspective that the worlds fisheries are close to irreversible collaspe. Consider that most and many fish populations are significantly depleted and species with in the next 50 years if significant action is not taken to reverse over fishing. Goverment subsides to the fishing sector, totaling approximately 20 billion annually, respresents the principal crisis.These harmful subsidies  push fishing fleets to fish harder,longer, and farther away than would other wise be possible.

    Critical negotiations are currently being conducted during the Doha round the World Trade Organization (WTO) to reduce these destructive fisheries subsidies. In Nov.2007 the WTO took a tremendous step forward in the negotiations when it produced the 1st draft agreement on fisheries subsidies.

    The draft agreement contains a strong prohibtion on capacity enchancing subsidies and provides for improved fisheries management.To help insure the negotiations deliver meaningful and lasting changes to preserve the Worlds fisheries Oceana is leading a Global awareness of the issue through Cut The Bait campaign which has helped generate attention among media and stake holders around the World.

    Oceana's campain has been recognized and negotiation on fisheries subidies in the WTO are in full action and they are being taken extremely seriously.

    The membership realizes the magnitude of what is at stake if these negotiations were to fail.Just in case it would forget there are banners all over Geneva to remind people of the need to reach an agreement.

    The WTO has the single best opportunity to address the fisheries subsidies issue on a global scale and Oceara is working hard to make Sure it does Just That!!!!

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