
What can be done to improve co2 levels? include at least five things that can be done to change global climate

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What can be done to improve co2 levels? include at least five things that can be done to change global climate




  1. #1 Turn off your lights when not needed

    #2 Same with water

    #3 Drive your car less by planning trips to the grocery, work and errands.

    #4 Recycle

    #5 Do not buy bottled water, instead reuse a canteen you refill at home.

    #6 Carry your own reusable bags to the grocery store.

    #7 Plant an organic garden

    #8 Buy products made with recycled materials and unbleached if possible

    #9 reuse a coffee mug rather using a paper cup, even if you buy your coffee

    #10 Reduce the amount of meat that you eat

    One of the most important things one can do is to create awareness and educate our children to grow up with good habits.

  2. Last year's forest fires spewed more CO2 into the air than all of mankind . . . . We should resume logging in the older forests (most trees in "old growth" are only 80 to 100 years old) to clear out the most vulnerable trees and turn them into lumber for industry rather than burn and go to waste . . . . Younger trees are far less susceptible to burning . . .

    Thusly we can improve the economy and reduce CO2 with a single stroke . . . .

  3. CO2 is good for the world as plants which they need to breathe so we can extract more fruits, nuts, vegetables for our food and our livestock.

  4. 1-hybrid cars

    2-Make Bush sign the treaty that every other major country signed

    3-use alternative feuls

    4-energy saving light bulbs

    5-Stop all uses of coal burning (there are alternative fuels)


    7-show the people who do not belive in global warming Al Gore's 'inconvinient truth'

    8-Stop cutting down trees, recycle paper, plant trees

  5. do your part, hold your breath

  6. use fluro lights.

    drive your car less

    use less air con and heating

    insulate your house better

    solar hot water systems

    for the record, Michelle C:

    sulphate aerosols actually cool the earth not warm it.

    Emily CO2 may be good for plants but its not good for

    animals. anyhow any increases in production given by more CO2 will be more then compensated for by more heat and more ozone polution.

  7. 1. Ride your bike or walk

    2. Buy Heavy curtains that stop most of the sun shining in, making you not have to cool the house as much.


    4.Plant a tree

    5.Use fewer products made from limeted plants, such as lipstick,cofee,ect.

  8. Stop production of Bio Fuels. They produce vast amounts of CO2 in the conversion of starch to alcohol, as well as the energy load in the whole cycle of planting harvesting, and purifying the water (it uses massive amounts of pure water the Bio crowd’s dirty little secret a resource that is growing scarcer each day). And the massive amounts of CO2 produced.

      Start drilling for oil in the US and ignore all these Eco-groups that are funded by foreign oil interests. If the US where to produce its reserves we would be a major exporter of oil. The conversion of oil to gas produces LESS CO2 than all these bio fuels.

      Stop importing from China; they on average start up a new coal plant ever 5 days. With no environmental controls in place they spew their toxic gasses across the planet. Their ships do not have to meet stringent environmental controls so they are polluters of the sea. If nobody buys their goods then they will have to start improving their environmental concerns.

       Start using Nuclear power.  Japan has more nuclear power plants than the US and they are the only country to endure two atomic attacks. Carbon output = zero.

       Lastly, start cleaning up our oceans. The Atlantic and Pacific gyres are wastelands of plastic. At one time the held vast amounts of plant life natures own CO2 scrubbers, now they are filled with plastic waste that just floats in masses up to 300 feet deep and 1000 miles wide. Remove the plastic get the algae growing again.

  9. 1.  Tax new gasoline guzzlers so that people will choose better mileage gas users or electric cars.  Batteries of all types from cell phones, to power tools to autos have made great strides recently.  However if you take your battery powered car home and plug it in and you get your power from a coal fired plant, what have you accomplished? Therefore see next suggestion.  2.  Raise emmission standards on new power plants making nuclear power the logical choice.  Nuke power does not pollute the atmosphere at all.  Yes you get a small amount of radioactive waste but that is better than coal or oil plants belching smoke into the air.  The danger of nuke plants has been aggagerated by left wingers ignoring our nuke safety record and the safety record of France which leads the world in nuke power per capita.  They started with an American, Westinghouse design and never looked back.  This will never happen as long as left wing wakos, called democrats keep nuke plant plans tied up in court.  3. Stop subsidizing gas from corn.  It is an absurd idea which has adherants only because Iowa is the second primary state in presidential elections.  4. Put a moratorium on monster homes like Al Gore's twenty room, eight bathroom mansion in Nashville, Tennessee until they can be lived in without excessive pollution.  5.  It is your homework, you do 5

  10. IMPROVE greenhouse gasses:

    1. Let G. Bush keep on polluting.

    2. Don't R.R.R.

    3. Drive gas guzzlers that fuel efficent cars.

    4. Cut down trees.

    5. Make a Bon Fire in a big fat forest and let it burn.

    DECREASE CO2 levels:

    1. Tell Al Gore for help because he's rich and made it up.

    2. Yell at Al Gore for help because he's rich and made it up.

    3. Email Al Gore for help because he's rich and made it up.

    4. Write Al Gore a letter for help because he's rich&madeit up

    5. Force Al Gore to help because he's rich and made up the whole thing or else you will elect George Bush for president.

  11. Actually, from the 1930's to the 1970's, autos have been putting out large amounts of SO2. Since that is a far more powerful greenhouse gas than CO2, it's surprising that people think AGW has to be getting worse now than ever. That makes no sense. We SHOULD have been seeing a cooling trend for half a decade, and we should only now be seeing a warming trend... oh, wait...


  12. Tell my wife to quit feeding me beans all the time.

  13. 1. Wait for summer.

    2. Wait for winter.

    3. Force everyone in the world to buy hybrid cars and put solar panels on the roof of their house, no matter what the cost.

    4. Blackmail Bush.

    5. Cross your fingers and pray.


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