
What can be done to stop China from exporting it's mislabeled fur products?

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An estimated 2 million cats and hundreds of thousands of dogs are tortured and slaughtered for their fur in China every year. Undercover video footage shows terrified animals crammed into cages so full—both dead and alive—that they are unable to move. Some of the dogs and cats shown in the footage were still wearing the collars that their former families put on them. Animals are often hung upside-down by their legs or tails, and their skin is ripped off their bodies as they writhe and struggle.China's cruel fur industry unrepentantly continues to torture and kill animals for their skins.China is one of the world's largest suppliers of animal fur. More than 95 percent of China's finished fur garments are exported for sale overseas, and many of them go to North America and Japan. Dog and cat fur is often intentionally mislabeled as "Asian jackal" or "rabbit" fur. I have heard that animal rights groups are planning to protest at the Olympics about this horrific issue. Is it true?




  1. Don't buy fur, and encourage other people not to buy fur. The best way to stop unethical practices is to stop the demand for them.

    The conditions that cats and dogs are allegedly kept in are no worse than the conditions that other fur animals are kept in - whatever is going on in China with the fur industry isn't the only problem. Until there ISN'T a fur industry, there will still be cruelty.

  2. I know its the sadest thing ever.

  3. I have heard of this sort of thing happening, of course, although I haven't seen evidence of it. I don't think my heart could bear it to actually watch videos of it.

    I simply don't buy any fur products. This sort of thing happens to all sorts of animals, everywhere. I know we have special attachments to dogs and cats, but I don't believe any animal should endure suffering like that for STYLE. I know one person likely won't do much, but it's the most I can do from where I am. Petitions to the US government to stop accepting fur from China, protests.. I just don't know how well they'll work, but I'd support them either way.

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