
What can be done to stop people from committing such senseless acts?

by  |  earlier

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I was saddened to read this article:




  1. There is an old bumper sticker that I remember seeing when I was last in Yellowstone National Park.  It said "support the right to arm bears."  

    This story is just tragic.  While I usually don't support putting animals in captivity, maybe this is what needs to be done until theere are enough to release back into the wild.  After all it worked with the Grey Wolf and the California Condor.

  2. OMFG!! THATS TERRIBLE. THEY NEED TO BE PUT INTO TOP SECURITY SO ANOTHER ONE DOESN'T GET SHOT AGAIN!! kill that man. kill him slowly, cut off a finger at a time and pull out his hair and stuff like that.

  3. Nothing. It's the price of freedom. Can't do anything until the deed is done.

  4. do the same to them

  5. Criminalize it with a hefty fine and mandatory lengthy jail time.

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