
What can be included Bettas's diet???

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I have two male bettas that live alone in two seperate 3 gallon tanks. The tanks have a carbon filter, bio wheel, and light as it's heater.

I feed my bettas two pellets of Top Fin betta food in the morning, and some blood worms about 5 at night. And I was wondering, can bettas have fruits too?

My 8th grade French teacher kept a community tank with goldfish and mollies in her room and fed them lemon slices, orange slices, and cucumber slices. Can betta's have the same thing?

Please honest answers, from people who have dealt with bettas or other tropical fish for good while. Thanks in advance.




  1. no thats good

  2. Bettas are carnivores and need meaty foods.  Live or frozen brine shrimp, freeze-dried tubifex worms, and even fish fry are all good.  Don't feed fruit or vegies.

    Oh yeah, and wingless fruit flies.  They love 'em.

  3. Hi Amanda, I only really know about Goldfish [& mine love citrus fruit!] but several of my friends also keep Bettas & recommend the site below very highly. I think you will find everything you need on there.

  4. Just stick with the pellets and blood worms...but the petsmart by my house feeds their fish zuccini

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