
What can be wrong with my mother??!!

by  |  earlier

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for some reason, my mom hates my boyfriend! I'm 17 and hes also 17. he is an awesome guy, he works, has a 4.4 GPA and ive been with him for 3 years but ive known him since i was 4. and for some reason my mom doesn't like him. if i want her to do me a favor shell say, "only if you don't go over that boys house as often" and i mean its ridiculous. ive never yelled or got loud with her because shes my mom and i love her and i don't wanna be disrespectful. i mean i have good grades i school and i NEVER go out and get drunk and party and all that stuff. i just hang out with my best friend and my boyfriend. and she never has a problem when it comes down to my friend. she even wants my older brothers to beat him up. andthat'ss extremely immature for a 55 year old women. idon'tt understand whyI'mm treated like a little girl and i think she wants me all for herself. what do you guys think i should do. thank you




  1. first you said your mom was 55 she sounds like shes going threw the change of life ,plus you are her little girl she probably thinks you deserve better .moms are like this sometimes

  2. she thinks that your boyfriend is a bad influence even with all that he has done.  try showing her how good he could be like let your boyfriend help your mother once in a while even if she doesnt want to.

  3. Heya,,

    Just take it easy, like someone sed, shes probably going thru stuff, and your only 17. She's just protecting you, maybe shes worrying that your going to "do IT" yah no??

    Dont b hard on her babe,,

    Answer mine!!;...

  4. It does sound like she wants you all to herself. Just ignore her and if she gets really frustrated, just remind her that you're 17 years old and its your life now, that she can't have so much control over you anymore. Remind her how responsible you are and that she has nothing to complain about.

  5. Talk to her honestly and make her give you a real answer as to what her problem is with him.

    it could be she thinks you are spending too much time with him and not enough time with other people.  

    it could be she fears you're sexually active and is worried about an unplanned pregnancy derailing your plans for your future.

    If you discover that she is really irrational and is trying to keep you a child then recognize that and be prepared to respectfully stand up to her so that you can be your own person.  

    Good Luck.

  6. well at that age women have "set their ways" so my mother calls it after the menopause trip they dont care how any one feels and want what they want so thats the only thing i can think of bcuz my grandma is just like that, maybe you should sit down and have a talk w/ her about how you feel

    hope it helps

  7. she desont want you to grow up...she prbably is lonely and misses having you around....tak a day of to spend some time with heronce a sure things will start to change...maybe go to a movie one night....out to lunch...out to dinner....try may actually work

  8. I think you should ask her. Perhaps she had a similar situation when she was your age, and it didn't turn out well. Maybe she thinks you will get in over your head and get trapped in a marriage or baby way too early and ruin your chances of a good future. Maybe she is just afraid for you, mothers fear isn't always rational. At 55 maybe she's going through menopause and its throwing all her perceptions off.

    My point being, you can't know what's going on unless you ask her. I would start with, why do you want my brother to hurt this guy, what has he done to make you resort to violence?

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