
What can be wrong with my newborn baby?

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She is 3 weeks old. and well she sleeps a lot which i know its normal well when 9pm comes she wakes up and cries a lot and she seems hungry so I feed her and she grabs either my breast or the bottle and starts eating but seconds later she lets go and continues crying as if something hurts then again she looks for the nipple starts eating and does it again, she stops and cries and this continues for like 2 hours until she falls asleep! she does this every night! what can be wrong? thank you for your answers




  1. It sounds like gas! Give her gas drops and swaddle her.  

  2. It sounds like colic to me. My daughter was exactly the same way. It is notoriously bad in the evenings when the gas has built up inside them. We got some drops to give her before we fed her and she got a little better. Then she got a lot worse and it turned out she had reflux. We now have medication for that and she's fantastic. OR it could be that she is over tired. If you are keeping her awake for a little longer so she will sleep maybe she is too tired.

  3. Maybe she has gas, I have a 3 month old daughter and I noticed that she would cry and squirm while feeding, drinking for a little bit and then release the breast or bottle and cry then go back to feeding, I found out later it was gas causing these trying burping her often even if she is not feeding...hopefully it won't develop into colic..

  4. well i have 2 guesses.  and i think it is a combo of both.  1.  Colic!  ahh!  and 2.  do you have sufficient milk?  maybe your let down reflex is not as quick as she would like it.  you can kinda get them started by pumping or expressing some to get it flowing.  good luck, things will get better.  if not talk to your doc, she could have a milk allergy or something.  I bet she is fine, just a little pissy as most newborns are!

  5. my son is 2 weeks old and does the exact same thing. i agree that its gas. the only way to calm him down is to burp him frequently throughout the feeding so gas doesnt build up in his tummy. i also use infant gas medicine if its really bad, which seems to help. i would call the pediatrician and get thier advice

  6. It sounds to me either like gas or acid reflux. Maybe try some Mylicon, and if that doesn't work, she may need to be checked for reflux.  

  7. Sounds like gas...try giving her Mylicon drops BEFORE feedings.The directions say after, but why wait until she is in pain! And yes, it could also be reflux if she is spitting up a lot or vomiting, but you will have to call the doc about that.

    Hang in there, been there!!

  8. shes colicky = ( buy those colic drops they have them at the drug stores or babiesrus.

    there is nothing u can really do but comfort her and hope the drops work.  

  9. Sounds like gas to me.  My son would do that when he had gas bubbles.  He would cry with the bottle in his Call your pediatrician for sure. Thats what I did.  I mean she is so little and new... this is all new to her. Its a lot for her little stomach. Her body is probably getting use to everything.  Just might be having little tummy aches. Not sure.  But I would call and ask.. doesnt hurt!

  10. Does she only cry at that feeding or at all of them?  I agree it could be gas.  If she cries during a lot of feedings it could also be reflux.  I'd just call your pediatrician.  They expect calls from parents all the time, especially with new babies!

  11. Sounds like possible Colic....

    But there are reasons that babies have colic.  My son was about 3 weeks old or so - had no problems.  Then he started crying from 10 PM to 2 AM every night for a week.  

    I tried everything.  But I finally found out that he was lactose int. and I was BF'ing.  So I put him on Soy milk and he would throw that up.  So he ended up on Nutramigen Formula.

    He would do the same thing and then get mad.  I think he was hungry but knew that the milk would cramp his belly.  That is when he would cry...

    So my suggestion would be to cut out your dairy products if you are BF'ing and if he is on formula - try a "gentle" formula for a few days.... See if it works.  It will take a day or two to work so give it some time.

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