
What can/can't you pour down stormdrains?

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Why can't you pour those down? Is milk actually a toxin to our water and why?




  1. I'll tell you one thing you can't dump down storm drains... dead hookers.

    - Inmate 40572638.5

  2. Nothing.  A storm drain is for, guess what, storm run-off, i.e. rain and snow melt.

  3. Milk is NOT harmless. Storm sewers do not go to the wastewater treatment plant, the dump into the nearest body of water. Any organic matter, such as milk, takes up oxygen from the water and helps to overfertilize it. In addition, the fat in milk can coat aquatic insects and kill them. Pouring milk into the storm sewer is the same as using the sewer as a toilet.

  4. Meds.  They contaminate our drinking water.

  5. storm drains aren't filtered like sewers. all the stuff you dump goes straight to the bay and could harm the animals that live there. DO NOT DUMP IN STORMDRAINS. make sure you never do that. it is bad

  6. You can't pour, grease,oil,paint,toxic cleaners. No milk is not a toxin but the cows who make the milk are. The polute the water with there droppings killing fish.

  7. Milk is harmless. You shouldn't pour pesticides, herbicides, oil, gas, brake fluid, molten lava, small rocks, large rocks, heavy water, beer, nano robots, alligators, or snakes. Because they're toxic, toxic, sticky, flammable, expensive, hot, hard, big and hard, hard to find, you can drink beer, will take over the earth, grow to ridiculous proportions, don't like that.

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