
What can cause a right slice when i hit with my woods(I'm a righty)?

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What can cause a right slice when i hit with my woods(I'm a righty)?




  1. You're hittint the ball with the club angled toward you. Try rotating the club slightly clockwise before you swing.

  2. Overcompensation for preventing a left slice, or you could be angled incorrectly to the direction you want to hit.

  3. its your stance. take one lesson from a pro-100$ and they will correct it. also, physical golf therapy may help

  4. Your either opening the club face or not getting it square at impact.  Try keeping you left wrist straight and shortening or slowing your swing up a bit.  

  5. There are several swing flaws that can induce a slice....I'd advise a trip to a teaching pro to find out which of the gremlins has infected your swing.....He will get you straight in no time once he see's what is actually causing you to slice.

  6. Adjust the angle of your wood face and the distance from feet to ball

  7. There are two things that can cause a right slice...1)You are coming over the top...If you ball goes to the left of where your aiming and then slices right,you need to bring the club down on the correct plane.I let gravity drop my arms back down.In other words dont turn your shoulders before you start your downswing..start your club down first and then turn through the ball and 2)If your ball starts straight and then slices,your club face is open at impact.Just strengthen your grip or change something about it.

    Also sometimes closing your shoulders or stance can help too.Good Luck

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