
What can cause all the baby birds in one nest to die??

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About three weeks ago I discovered a birds nest in one of the trees in my yard.I believe the bird to be a scissor tail.That's what I've always heard them called.There were three little eggs that where an off white color with red spots in the nest and one was on the ground and had been there awhile.I've seen the momma bird in the nest and she would normally fly just a little ways off when I would walk outside. About a week ago I discovered that two of the eggs had hatch and the next day the third.The nest is only about five feet off the ground so I could peep in, I never touched the nest, eggs, or baby birds. A few days ago I looked in the nest and I could tell that one of the baby birds was dead.The momma bird was still around at this time but the next day I didn't see her at all. Yesterday I checked in the nest and all the babies were dead. It's really sad and I'm not sure what could have caused them to die. I live in south Texas and it gets Hot and the nest wasn't shaded well.?????




  1. West Nile Virus?

  2. It's possible that an animal or other bird of some kind (not necessarily you) came into contact with the birds and the mother abandoned them.

  3. I don't know, but maybe the mother was spooked by you.

  4. the bird had left the birds there is many ways why maybe be scared of you. lost. or of coutse got in trouble and maybe even died. they musted of died for this reason NO FOOD or water in that heat.

  5. It really could have been a number of things, they could have been sick from the start, lack of food, heat (if the parent did not shade them), etc.  I hope you did not disturb the nest often..if you were approaching it too much the parents may have abandoned due to this.  They are a lot less likely to abandon when they are at the chick stage..but the possibility exists.  Is this your bird?

  6. The momma bird probably abandoned her babies, for whatever reason. It is sad.

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